Sometimes it doesn't pay to speak up (10 month old with possible child abuse)


Dec 6, 2005
:cry::mad: is where i am at right now.

I work in a hospital as some of you know, and often i have contact with patients. Tonight was no different i ran down to check out a computer in a little exam room.

A woman was there with a baby she said he was 10 months old, he was cooing and making noises as babies do, and i said whats up lil guy, as i was fixing the computer he was staring at me.

She told me she was the caretaker for him and that she suspected child abuse. I was speechless, I mean what do you say when you hear those words and look at an innocent little baby.

All i could say was, I'm sorry.

What I felt was something at the other end of the spectrum, more along of the lines, i would kill the son of bitch that harms innocent little kids with my bare hands.

What kind of sick fuck harms a little defenseless baby.

Anyhow i got the machine fired up and they were about to leave the exam room and i told them to stay put, I was finished. The crime lab photographer was there with the camera to photograph the abuse.

I already know one child abuser as it is.

My former pastor, whom my wife worked with for about a year a while back at a day care center. He was the director of the place, but for a pastor he was a real dick. Just rude, obnoxious, sexually inappropriate comments etc.

Well about 2 weeks after my wife left, a girl bit some other kid. Okay kids are kids, it aint right but it happens.

So this genius takes the little girl to the kitchen where there are no cameras, puts her in time out and bites her !!! yes you read that right...bit this girl.

Parents find the marks they call the school, police, child protective services you name it...

He doesn't get formally charged but essentially he is barred from child care in WV.

so what happens ?

He comes back to Maryland...and runs yet another daycare

same church organization, same hierarchy etc. new location.

I saw him one time after all of this happened, but it was a funeral for a church elder, so acting out wasn't anywhere close to appropriate.

I just wanted to leave a little note on his car windshield.

I know what you did last September.

- God

So my wife was wandering around the internet last week because somehow his name came up, and yet again he's running a daycare center this time in Delaware.

Same church organization. same leadership.

There is nothing more that i despise than elderly and child abuse.

He'll get his.
Sounds like every time Pastor Sickfucker attempts juvenile cannibalism, he's forced to pack up his circus and move to another state. I can't stand these small-time crooks who've got enough charisma to part fools from their dollars, but also have mental problems keeping them from becoming successful pillars of their community.


Finish your story about the 10 month old. Did you see any evidence of child abuse on the cooing infant?

Its sometimes hard to discover who the scumbag is: the accused or the acuser. (Or, in the case of Duke LaCrosse, the lawyer.)

Jurched, I'll never know, the lady with the child admitted she was the caregiver. The crime unit came with their photographer, and i promptly left, I didn't get a good enough look at any marks though.

as for pastor sickfucker...its one reason while i quit following religion becuase there was a hierarchy of people who knew what was going on and in the eyes of their god knew it was wrong, but chose to wash their hands of it and let him carry on.

somewhere pastor cannibal has a photo of someone naked in the closet with a shaved german sheppard.
Do you mean sickfucker or the child abuser should get the life sentence Johnny ?

sickfucker needs to get his ass kicked for a little while to wake up and realize shit don't work like that.

As for the child abuser, evidence, conviction, arrest, trial, lock em up, and throw em to the general population to sort out.