Somewhere In St. Mary's


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
"Within a music scene inundated by stagnation, fashion worship, and cookie-cutter clones, Blood Promise achieves something rarely accomplished; turning real life into art. Their music literally pulses with the full, unabridged lexicon of human emotion and expression, which is delivered as a solid and focused force that alternately pulls the heartstrings and crushes the sternum. Snubbing stereotypes and standing in defiance of cliches, Atlanta's Blood Promise has made the worldwide buzz that is growing about their music undeniable. Never pretentious, never conformist, never holding back." -

The chorus has me singing and dancing like a little's very catchy.
sounds a little like a more simplistic into eternity with the vocalist not sure of whether he wants to sound like early mike patton or the dude from coheed and cambria.

I don't hate it.
With that description it was the biggest fucking anti-climax ever when I heard the music.
Ohh so I actually listened to it now, and it was terrible. It didn't help that they hype themselves up beyond belief and then finish with saying "never pretentious" :lol: