Song from my band's upcoming EP.. please help finalise the mix

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia Almost Final2.mp3

Right.. this EP has been in the making for far too long. 90% of my mixing has been fixing up stuff that we screwed up cos we didn't know better.

Programmed drums, with mostly my own samples. Badly taken, especially the snare.
POD X3 on the guitars. So much EQ. Not even funny.
Revalver on the bass, which has 18 month old strings and was quickly running out of the battery (as you can hear in the interlude. Will try to fix that ;p). I think it sounds pretty good though, moreso in other songs though.
Piano and strings I can't remember..

Vocals just got completed today (a few harmony notes are off.. will attend to them). Having trouble fitting them in. If anyone can give some pointers, please too. Mixing on headphones.. which sucks, as soon as I export they're way sticking out and too loud. Doesn't help that my computer is shitting itself with the number of tracks.

Anyway, this is never going to be perfect. Far too much went wrong in the actual recording stage, and I just want to put it behind me now. The song is goodish in bits, really amateur in others.. I wrote it 2 years ago at like 16 or 17 so.. yeh.

The middle part isn't complete.. guitar solo is fucking terrible, and there's no backing yet. Dw bout that bit ;p And yes the guitar tone changes halfway through. AND only in this song, not in any of the others. That was my guitarists idea.. Almost Final7.mp3

Ok, hopefully fixed the kick, and adjusted a few other things, namely the vocal levels and the snare. Sounds better now I think. Any more comments, please?

What do you mean strange..? And where? The highend is pretty hyped in post, could that be it? I think it sounds alright on the low notes, not so much on the higher ones.