Song goes online in a few hours! Need last minute feedback!! :) [Glitchcore]]

Aug 9, 2010
Hey Guys,

need a final short feedback on this! I'm not sure if the levels are right, cause I have kinda tired ears right now. But I have to be sure cause the song will be uploaded tomorrow!

Had an older thread on an earlier version of this a few weeks ago.

What causes anxiety are the levels of the vocals, the OHs and the guitar/bassdrum relation. I am just not sure! Tell me if it's ready! :)

THX!! anniversary fin.mp3

Btw, this is the bands facebook page if you're interested:
This is really nice production man.
Like this style of music is not my kinda thing.
But its very well done.

the singing is actually solid unlike most things out now of days.
awful singing that get worshiped for no reason.

The only thing that's i noticed was some of the tones could be a little more unique but that's just really nitpicking and nothing to do with the mix as a whole.
id work on the lower mids specifically on the podfarm guitars. sounds lifeless as it is atm.
levels are good, but it lacks note information / bottom. id get back to the mix the next day after some ear-rest.
great band btw (not this song tbh) but i liked them live last time i saw them!
Sounds very good!!!! Maybe it's best that you don't change anything since it's working ATM. However I can't really hear the bass. And there are maybe short moments where the vocals cut a bit too much.. like stingy moments. Then there are moments where the vocals sound perfect. Hmm.. not sure how this could be fixed... decrease the 2khz-4khz vocal cut are just a tad?

But I'd say you don't want to publish a mix that's fresh. Don't listen to it for a day or two and open the project and you can use your own ears. :) What ever you decide the song is good and the overall sound is very good.
Thanks for your feedback guys! :) Thats my band btw! ;)

@clark kent:

you can't hear the bass? actually if I would turn it off, you would be suprised how much of the actual guitar sound comes through the bass! ;)


would really like to know what you mean with "working" on the low mids. are there too less or too much? i honestly believe that theres no bottom missing when i'm comparing to sturgis productions, which were my reference in this! ;)

edit: i guess you mean the area around 250Hz? you think i should boost the guitars a lil there?
I think this sounds very pro man! Full details on what you used? Also what daw?
@clark kent:

you can't hear the bass? actually if I would turn it off, you would be suprised how much of the actual guitar sound comes through the bass! ;)

Well I assumed that! :D I guess it's just that they have a good bass player who knows his place is backing up the guitarist. :)
ok, song is up and the people love it! THANKS to everyone in this forum who gave me all these nice infos over the last years! i really learned a lot and wouldn't be able to produce a sound like this without this forum!!