Song I recorded this weekend (melodic metal kinda)


May 4, 2009
Dunno how this will sound, it's my first mix since I moved into a new room(which sounds really bad, small/no treatment). I usually mix with headphones 95% of my time, but I wanted it to sound good in the room too so I tried to compensate some stuff too, to get it decent in both.

Maybe it sounds better then my other mixes, no idea really, just listened in this room+headphones.

Anyway, the song probably falls in the category melodic metal, not 100% about the arrangement but I just wanted to mix some stuff :)

Guitars are soloc+8505 quadtracked, drums are superior 2.0 + samples. Clean guitars are lepous newest amp sim(forgot the name right now).

Updated links



What do you think?

(ps: sorry for the bass, should have tuned it better :()
heavy guitar sound really nice to me.
bassdrum+snare could be more in the foreground.

the clean intro, it's very nice but the delay fucks it kinda up.
maybe you could use the delay as a send effect to get a little bit more control over it,
compress it, make it a little bit dull, this could help gto get much more "atmosphere" into it IMHO!:)

snare needs to really cut through this a little harder. Feel like it might help with the hats taken down a little bit.

Overall this sounds pretty solid! Snare and kick just almost sound tooo similar. Really love the distorted guitar tone.

Agreed on sending the delay out to be able to keep some more control over it!
Yeah your right, there is some distortion on the clean delays, it's from the plugin tal-dub2 (which has a drive button, which I should have turned down :)). I'll do another version tonight, change the drums abit too.

thanks for posting.
Updated the links in the first post with a new version. Cleans should sound better, drums a bit louder although they sound pretty generic :)

And, yeah I noticed there was some pop/clicks whatever you want to call it in the middle clean guitars DI:s, maybe I'll fix that later. Bah, I thought I wasn't getting those anymore.
I think all of the bends in the clean part are a bit off.. it seems like you dont bend all the way up.
Also, sometimes you bend up, drop it back down and do a vibrato.. at that part, you seem to start the vibrato before the string has hit pitch, which also makes it seem a bit off.

Other than that, i have nothing bad to say! Sounds great dude!

(Im assuming that you are playing guitar on this one! ;) )
I think all of the bends in the clean part are a bit off.. it seems like you dont bend all the way up.
Also, sometimes you bend up, drop it back down and do a vibrato.. at that part, you seem to start the vibrato before the string has hit pitch, which also makes it seem a bit off.

Other than that, i have nothing bad to say! Sounds great dude!

(Im assuming that you are playing guitar on this one! ;) )

hehe, yeah I know those bends are pretty sloppy. Yeah I played all instruments, I said to myself when recording that part that would rerecord it later, but never did for some reason. Some lead parts is out of tune too, not really well played/recorded. I should probably spend more time actually trying to learn to play guitar correctly :)