song of a friends band (SSD3,boobass,soloC)

So this is a cover of the above song?

It sounds okay, but it's really "stiff" sounding, best way I can put it. Groove is all gone! Try randomizing the MIDI a bit so it's not all directly on the grid. Just needs a little more movement..

In Cubase you can do this by messing w/the "Quantize Setup" menu. Makes programmed drums sound better as well as your mixes! All those transients don't end up hitting at EXACTLY the same time, which actually makes your mix smaller sounding.

Cheers dude! I like the guitar tone a LOT!
very nice man ,, sounds good!! is boobass a free plugin ? cause if it is , then could you please post your settings cuase i'm in love with this bass tone !
the guitars are very nice aswell , did you use anything to boost solo c???
it comes bundled with fruity loops, i just scooped the mids out
solo c is boosted with solo c