Song recorded to 2" tape, real everything


Feb 12, 2012
wtf i swear ive heard this song before o_O its beautiful :') awesome muse vibe :worship:

edit: your dropbox link is private
Yeah, i thought that about the singer too. This really has been the easiest mix i've ever done. Tape just makes almost anything sound better.

Re-mixed this using "vintage analog emulations", so it'll sound a little more vintage. It's a lot quieter mastered as well, and ran it through voxengo's tape buss. Kept the original background noise and hiss too, that should give the vintage purists a boner.

modern one:
Great song! Really enjoyed it. I thought final.mp3 sounded best.
I think there's some minor volume automation left. Like drums disappearing a little on the loud parts, and distorted guitars too loud on the calm parts. I'll type how I'd automate it:
1:15-1:16; Drum crescendo so it'll be about 1-2 dB louder than what it is now.
1:26-1:33; Diminuendo the drums to its original value. The guitar's too loud here in this part, do a diminuendo a few dB's down as well.
1:41-1:43; Drum crescendo so it'll be about 1-2 dB louder than what it is now. Crescendo the guitars to its original value.

You could do some slight volume changes on the last repeat too so it'll be slightly louder if you want.
I like the organ in the intro better without chorus (or flanger or whatever you put on it in final-vintage.mp3), less is more here in my opinion. You might want to check around 1.8khz-2.2khz at 2:16-2:20 on the hammond track, some nasty screeching there on my end. Overall great mix, really digging the vibe. Am curious about what mics you used on the Leslie.
Can't hear the screeching you're talking about, might be my monitor (or lack of, i mix on hi-fi equipment so it's tough to spot the major problems). What did you listen to it on?
Oh, and i didn't record it myself, this was a song posted on a mixing contest a looong time ago (mixit 3c i believe).