Song(s) of the week!

hmm, Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis (thanks again neal, this is fucking awesome)

Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets

and Nevermore - This Sacrament
This week:
Forsaken - Daylight Dies (dooo00000m)
Funeral - The Architecture of Loss (Doooom)
Shining - Låt Oss Ta Allt Från Varandra
Hedningarna - Varg Timmen (go folk yourself)
Solefald-The USA Don't Exist, Hyper Human, Pornographer Cain. (avant garde)
Eluveitie-Gray Sublime Archon, The Somber Lay, Slanias Song (folk hindered by shitty melo death)
Novembers Doom-In Memories Past (rock?)
In Vain-Their Spirits Will Ride With The Wind (Avant Garde or prog or something)

Max you like Funeral? From These Wounds is my favorite doom album ever.
I was way into Funeral a few years ago when i went through a huge death/doom phase (Tragedies is a classic), havent listened to them in a while but i recently gave the new one a listen. Musically it wouldn't be very remarkable, but the vocals kick ass.
Please give it more time! I had it for about a year and never listned to it aside from the opener for the same reason as you, but then one day it just fucking clicked and they instantly replaced Solitude Aeturnus as my favorite doom. I'd go as far to say Frode rivals Sindre Nedland as the most underrated vocalist out there.
Odroerir-Iring "best folk metal I've heard in a very long time"
<code>-A Cloud Teardrop Formed Asylum

I was thinking gosh folk metal is so overdone, I don't even want my band to be it anymore. Then I remembered every genre is overdone and I just haven't been having a good intake of folk bands I don't know about.

Max and Eric T please recommend me folk metal I don't already know about it. Preferably Euro folk.