Songs currently kicking your ass.

Graveyard is a fucking great band. I gotta say though I still prefer Hisingen Blues to their latest album (which is still pretty good).
I haven't heard Lights Out yet, but comparing Hisingen Blues to their self titled, HB just feels together. Every song fits perfectly. And it's rare while listening to an album I don't feel like skipping a song. In their self titled, though it was really good, Blue Soul and a few others are most notable. In HB (besides The Siren which is sooo amazing), the songs are more leveled? I guess.

Edit: Wanted to post one more song.

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Favorites on their self titled are Satan's Finest and As the Years Pass By, The Hours Bend. And yes, Hisingen Blues is an album you can listen to all the way through and really enjoy it. I was amazed when I heard Graveyard for the first time. They're really what rock music needs since most rock these days sucks.
This feels amazing on my ears :Smokin: Trey's guitar work on this whole album amazes me. FFttF is the best album with Tucker, obviously.
@BallsMcHollihan Agreed. Yeah, I like Satan's Finest too. They have a thing with putting their best song (or at least one of their best) for the last track. So refreshing people are still making music like this these days. They have similar feel to Witchcraft, but imo dig these guys more. That vocalist has some awesome vocals and the lyrics are really singable.
Spawn of Possession is possibly one of the worst examples of good tech death ever

Wanky garbage with zero skill in riffcraft

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