Songs currently kicking your ass.

How do you feel about the 1996 version with Francis on vocals?

Re-recording =good, original=better

Been a while since I've listened to it myself but I would say anyone that's a fan of the original should give it a listen. It's worthwhile and obviously the songs are great. Still though, it really wasn't a necessary thing to do and doesn't come close to the original, which is a classic in my book. Beyond the Unknown is great too if someone is looking for Francis(?) on vocals, but the original Serpent Temptation is the best thing or at least my favorite album these guys put out.
Re-recording =good, original=better

Been a while since I've listened to it myself but I would say anyone that's a fan of the original should give it a listen. It's worthwhile and obviously the songs are great. Still though, it really wasn't a necessary thing to do and doesn't come close to the original, which is a classic in my book. Beyond the Unknown is great too if someone is looking for Francis(?) on vocals, but the original Serpent Temptation is the best thing or at least my favorite album these guys put out.

I believe part of the reason for the re-recording was to change titles/lyrics that they were not happy/comfortable with but I haven't confirmed that. I love both versions and I prefer Francis on vocals so I listen to the 1996 version a lot, but a re-recording can never take the place of the original. Beyond the Unknown is also :kickass: