Songs currently kicking your ass.

I always forget Therion, listened to Vovin a lot in high school/college, think I appreciate them more than ever now. I can't wait to leave work and go listen some more!
Therion are great,I love all their albums and 'The Celebrators Of Becoming'DVD set is amazing as well.I'm on a Warlord binge atm,old or new Warlord it does'nt matter,although surely they could've gotten a better vocalist for the newish album than Jokim Cans or whatever the fuck his name is.
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Too bad they never got the chance to record an EP or an album. But maybe in the future:headbang:
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0:58 :O

0:32 :O

these guys got fucking good at writing headbangin intros
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The verse bits of this track are fucking killer thrash
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