Songs currently kicking your ass.

No currently kicking my ass, but was earlier. If you have never heard Defleshed check it.


This band is great and probably the only recent band that I've heard that can really do the arcane Manilla Road/Cirith Ungol traditional sound.
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Not even sure what to call this genre. It's both US power (ala Iced Earth prior to Horror Show) and traditional, with vocals that sound eerily like Dio (and Rob Lowe, but that's kind of redundant). His name gets tossed around a lot when describing vocalists, but this guy must be holding nightly seances or something.

All the demos on The Warrior's Spell flow together so well, I honestly think it's some of the best stuff I've heard in a long time. The melodies and lyrics are genuinely magic. I was just speaking with Will via email about the possibility of seeing Tarot live and to see whether the band has anything in the pipeline. Between Tarot/Dracula and the label Heavy Chains the guy is about the best thing going in metal these days IMO and to think it's all going on right under my nose in my home of Tasmania.

One of those songs where you put it on while doing dishes. Makes you put it on repeat and turn it up louder and louder while you sing along without really knowing the lyrics. Then you blow your speakers, but its ok because the song is amazing. That is Khemmis- The Bereaved for me these days. True story.