Songs LEAST Likely To Be On Paradise Lost


King of Ithaca
Sep 12, 2002
Sebastopol, CA
We don't know for sure what's going to be on Paradise Lost. So what do we know won't be on it?

1. Smoke and Salmon
2. Ikea Curtain
3. Freezer (Unleash The Icecubes)

Anybody else heard top-secret info?
Of Pins and Paddles
Sea of Pies
The Bitching Hour
The Kool-Aid
Kool-Aid II
Through the Hooker's Ass (Pts. 1, 2 & 3)

That's all I got.
Paradise Found
In Teh krayt Dragon's Den
Candlelight Satanic Worship Beneath The Malicious Curtain
Of frostbitten sins and demonic shadows
The Accolade III (hmm...)
A grim and frostbitten winter's dream
The tr00 and gr1m frostbitten haunting
The frostbitten edge of the cosmic creation to foreverness in theoretical proportions
Through the looking glass in the great vast forest
Lady of the frostbitten snow
The gr1m relic
Pagan incantations of the frostbitten apprentice of faustian aldaron worship
The frostbitten frontiers of the pagan forest and the hour of the witching

(I've been listening to black metal lately...)
Depraved of Evolution
Empty of a fools paradise
Thorns on My Grave with a Cataclysm/Bird Serpent War

That was lame, but I couldnt let tubbs win.
Taunting the Notorious B.I.G.
Shades of Gay
Savage Roast Beef Curtains
Cassiopeia the Queen
Quotes from "The Apprentice"
Lady who snorts blow

I'm tired.... Not very funny, unless you're drunk.

P.S. Tubbs FTW!!oneIIIiii
Queen of Pleasures
Absynthe and a Bottle of Nyquil
Tom Selleck the Relic
Shades of Gray, Green and Brown, and Just a Touch of Purple to Add Character
theVikingR said:
Creationism (The Intelligent Design)
Score one for theVikingR

raythetse got me thinking. It's not that Shades of Gray, Green, Brown, and Just a Touch of Purple to Add Character wouldn't be on there. Just Shades of Gray. I mean they already did Shades of GrEy, so wh do Shades of GrAy?

Better yet, Shades of Gay.