What about the Paradise Lost big picture movie (2009) and SX´s album?

Fredrik Park

Jan 12, 2008
I just posted my "introducing myself"- and "Official promotion" - posts.
Those are my first posts here, so sorry if this question is old or even off limits.
I did a search for movie-talk in the SX forum, and came up empty, so:

Does anybody know/suspect/hope anything if there was/is/will be connection between the SX Paradise Lost album and the planned movie Paradise Lost (2009)


It´s supposed to be scheduled for 2009, but there is very little information about it so far. One of the producers for the movie was producing "300", and the director has been directing horror movies before (worked for Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings - movies, I guess)

I posted the same question there, along with a note about Symphony X and their PL album.


To read the forum, you´d need to register like me (free), but to post, I today found out that by now, one has to authenticate the registration. Now that was a bit annoying, but personally, I feel I can trust such big internet site. My favourite movie info resource on the web.
There´s also an IMDb Pro forum for Enterainment business professionals, which might contain additional insider info, but I´m not a member there, because I don´t feel I belong there as one of... them... There seem to be an opportunity to have a 2 weeks free trial though... Does anybody here have IMDb Pro?

Thanks in advance for any feedback to this question.

All the best / Fredrik
I don't think there is/going to be any connection between the two. Paradise Lost-album was hardly about Milton's poem, it just shared some of the themes in a more abstract way.

The movie is going to be an epic fail. It might be full of stunning CGI and epic "touching of dicks" (term used here a lot :D) but the result will be lightyears from the awesomeness of the original poem. Not all books have to be conversed into movie versions. Whoever does it will be against lots of negative feedback from religious people.

Nevertheless, it would be cool to hear (in any movie) Walls Of Babylon in an intense scene.

I think that would be awesome if they worked in something from SX's Paradise Lost. I would probably go see it just for that. Not that it's a big deal considering I can see the theater from my window.:)
The movie is going to be an epic fail. It might be full of stunning CGI and epic "touching of dicks" (term used here a lot :D) but the result will be lightyears from the awesomeness of the original poem.

At first I thought this might be cool, but since you pointed out the possibility of epic "touching of dicks," never mind...
Thanks for the replies, folks.

I also acknowledge that there probably would be small chance that any Hollywood movie would be able to make a good transfering for the original poem. Most likely not gonna be nominated for any screen adaption Oscar either. And according to some other at the IMDb forum, there could be a risk that this movie wouldn´t be done. If so, I suspect it would be more of an action / horror movie than a movie full of memorable theatrical quotes and what not. Nevertheless, I´d still like to watch it. Even the "Prophecy" movies had there moments, I think, although overall cheesy and a bit low budget for that epic plot.

I didn´t know that the album was abstract in the references to the poem, but I haven´t had the time to read it, so that was new to me.
I´ve heard the poem is rated very high indeed by litterature experts.

The way the poem is supposed to make the reader feel sympathy for Satan, or at least pity would of course be bursting out flaming from some religious groups, especially if the movie would be a block buster.
This of course happened after "the Passion of the Christ", and "the Last temptation of the Christ", but maybe depicting Jesus in an unorthodox way was even more upsetting for the religious groups than depicting Satan in an unorthodox way has been / would be, I don´t know.

I´m a doubter, an agnostic by heart, and without openly disregard religous people, I do have some issues with paradoxes in the Bible. Too bad when some religious groups show total lack of tolerance to other´s different view, I´d say.

Ah well, anyway, when I first discovered the plans for the movie, also I started to think that the movie could boost SX´s overall popularity and fame quite a bit.
Many people have never heard of the band, and I pity them fools! ;)