It's 2009 - will there be a new SX album??

I don't see the problem with PL, it was still technically awesome progginess with catchy hooks and great songwriting. It was just a bit more manly really. Which sure is refreshing when (being perfectly honest here) a lot of really brilliant prog metal bands just sound quite... well.. Girly.
I hope you're right, but at the same time...stuff like The Serpent's Kiss and Sacrifice are IMO the weakest songs they have written since the Damnation game,

What??? Sacrifice has one of the sickest guitar solos ever, and is an awesome power-ballad. Serpent's Kiss is not one of my favorites but is still a very solid track full of catchy ideas. The Damnation Game is one of my favorite albums as well. Dressed to Kill, Edge of Forever, many sick tracks on that disc. Unless you are just talking about the actual song The Damnation Game, which I also like quite a lot...

Those songs might not be your cup of tea, but they're not "weak"...funny enough, I like the Odyssey album the least out of the whole SymX catalog. But I still recognize it as a great piece of work.

wild bill guarnere said:
Agreed. With Miller gone, and with Pinnella doing hardly any of the writing, PL was just one blazing guitar riff after another, punctuated by hoarse vocals. Thats fine for your run-of-the-mill metal band, but not for a band with as much talent and potential as SX. Why do they feel they need to lower themselves to the lowest common denominator? I'm really, really hoping for a return to the Divine Wings / V form on the next album, but I doubt we'll get it. Face it, stuff like PL sells, and prog masterpieces don't.

FWIW I think Revelation and Babylon are prog masterpieces, and PL is definitely not lacking in musicality or finesse.

Not to be a total fanboy, but whatever these guys put out...I'm sure I'll like it. They haven't disappointed me yet.
Paradise Lost was the right thing for them to do. The live shows were crushing. The band was like a freight train careening out of control. It was in your face yet mind blowing musicianship. And you could see the band and the fans were bothing having a relatively good time with it.

And for the record, live shows started May 25, 2007 in support of Paradise Lost. The album came out a month later on June 26, 2007. So it hasn't exactly been two years just yet ;)

I'm sure that whatever they decide to ultimately release for the next cd will be well thought out and in line with Symphony X standards :)


While I miss the older style a bit, PL was a great album which produced some great shows. Actually, I think PL was closer to the older albums than Odyssey.

While I miss the older style a bit, PL was a great album which produced some great shows. Actually, I think PL was closer to the older albums than Odyssey.

I might agree with that but I dont think they changed that much, all the elements are still there.
I expect us to here something by the time summer is starting to crawl away. I wouldn't expect an official release date or anything. But an announcement of sorts I believe will happen!

I don't think they have changed all that, they've kept everything that has made them symphony x. Paradise Lost was just more balls out, in your face stuff. T'was a differ approach and made there live concerts a huge hit, which gives more chance of things like another live album and/or DVD when they are pulling in bigger numbers. I do miss some of the older stuff for sure, but they havent changed to much for me to forget just how awesome this band is.

They have yet to disapoint me, and most people will agree that they have never disapointed. Its true, perhaps some of there albums are not as strong as the last. But there is still that something on that album as a whole that makes you go "fuck yah". and as long as they keep doing what they do. (which is write amazing music) whether or not its better, or worse than Paradise Lost, or as epic as V, it will be new symphony x, and so far chances of disapointment are slim to none. Besides, since when did making an album, as good or better than there previous album become criteria for releasing a good new album? I always thought it had something to do with written capabillities and exploring a never ending universe of content...Not Trying to out do their last album. And thats what I think alot of bands struggle with, "we gotta make it better than the last" eventually you get to such heights you can't surpass. Like written a story or anything, you get writters block. Symphony X seem more chill, and they write stuff they love. And if they think its half-assed, it wont make, or they will fix it. They really don't dwell on the fact that an album did so well, or not so well. They just keep doing what they love!
Whatever... If they keep up the recent pace, we can only hope for the album late 2011. It´s just a fact.
They got sidelined by Gigantour the last time though, so it should be quicker this time.
Not to mention they learned their lesson from last time. They got a lot of bad press, lost potential fans, lost a lot of momentum, and probably pissed the label off. Although, fuck the label, let them take as long as they want to make a good album. Who else is putting out good shit and touring to support it on Inside Out? :lol:

Anyway, I'm in no rush. I'd rather wait 5 years for my favorite band to put out an album than have them put out something that sucks.
I remember talking to Mike Lepond afetr a show and yes, he was pissed he didn't get to have any songwriting credits on the album but he was trying to overcome an immense illness; not to mention they wrote pretty much all of PL on the road and in the midst of crazy touring.

I say let them all get together and write with leisure and concentration. I don't conceive that they take a super-duper long time in delivering their next opus like an elephant having a baby as that has become their trend.
I never heard about this but you have me wondering what the problem was ?

IIRC, touring opportunities, coupled with Mike L. being quite ill for a while.
While I'm sure they lost a bit of buzz & momentum, I can hardly fault them considering everything that was going on. PL was, imo, worth the wait, and I'm speaking as a fan of the band here, not as a worker bee. People really need to chill with bands not releasing stuff every 18 months, and premonitions of being disappointed before a single track has been laid down.
It's great that there is anticipation & interest, don't get me wrong. Good things come to the ears of those that patiently wait... :Smokedev:
I may have miss interpreted the direction of the conversation. I interpreted it like it was regarding gigantour that they got bad press ?

The rest is well put JDub
I know with almost utter certainty that(post-Miller at least) The Odyssey is the album they worked the hardest on and it took a LOT out of them; hence the really long touring they did. Couple that with Lepond's illness and delays from Gigantour to get themselves out there to a broader spectrum and that all explains the 5 year gap(though a live DVD would've been nice).

I seriously doubt that they will take as long of a time; but you never know. Russell is a father now and they all don't live in New Jersey.

I am confident though that the next writing process won't be as crazy or sporadic and ought to be a more concentrated and collaborative effort.

A return to prog wizardry will happen only when they tire of their current sound. But it will be splendid songwriting regardless and we should get a few gems. :kickass:
Paradise Lost is the greatest album ever recorded by any band of any genre in the history of the universe. Period. :kickass:
I don't think many people will agree with you. The Odyssey is better imo even just for that one song. I'd say most would either have that or V as their fav.

You prob also wouldn't say that if you have in fact listened to every band in the history of the universe :).
I haven't read anywhere that they are even writing yet let alone recording a new record. So I am almost certain that there will be no new album in 2009.

I love everything Symphony X has done, but they take way too long between albums. It seems that it would be difficult to maintain the momentum they gained in terms of new fans with Paradise lost by going three years or more between releases. It was five years between The Odyssey and Paradise Lost. More established bands like Iron Maiden, Rush and Metallica can get away with long hiatuses, but I'm not sure it's the best thing for Symphony X at this point.
SX's new cd, whenever it may be released, will be good no matter what. None of their Cds were bad, none of them, only a select few songs I didn't like. Those songs were on the PL album. SX has never let me down and I doubt they will let ANY of you guys down. We love them so much that it just can't happen.

I really don't want to wait for the new CD, if it were released tomorrow, it would be just as good if it were released in 10 years from now, and I will still be waiting.
I remember talking to Mike Lepond afetr a show and yes, he was pissed he didn't get to have any songwriting credits on the album but he was trying to overcome an immense illness; not to mention they wrote pretty much all of PL on the road and in the midst of crazy touring.

I say let them all get together and write with leisure and concentration. I don't conceive that they take a super-duper long time in delivering their next opus like an elephant having a baby as that has become their trend.

He was "pissed"? It seems like it was much more of a collective decision to make it a guitar-driven record, at least that's what they say.