VIII: Church of lost paradise wings of Olympus: Odyssey on the edge of Damnation.

Also, I know that PL just came out, I just started this thread because of what I read in that interview.

Oh, and the only time that there is screaming at all in any SX song is if you count right after the speaking part in King of Terrors. And that is just like, a 2 second scream.

SX is not death metal, never has been death metal and probably never will be. That's because they're awesome.
I can understand how some feel about Allen's "harsher" vocals; however, they are definately not death metal vocals. Even so, the evolution you see in his vocals in Odyssey and PL from how they were in V and back is a big difference. I am personally not in total disgust with his harsher vocals, they are actually quite good; however, I don't think using that vocal style as much as he did on PL makes for SyX's best. They get tiring, and due to him using them so much I can even hear a decline in the quality of his cleaner vocals. The balance in SyX music that made them my favorite band way back when is no longer there anymore.
I honestly don't mind the heavier vocals. I think that he did an amazing job on the song Paradise Lost, and there wasn't any heavy vocals there. I think he still has it. Honestly though, in my opinion we had been waiting for 5 years for this album, and the change in his vocals was something new and unique to hear. I favored it. Maybe cut back a bit on them in the next album though.
:lol: at death-metal type vocals.. hell i wish there were some!

i wish for them to go back to the things that, in my opinion, made them what they are.. which is stuff like TiO, DWoT, V etc. More symphonic, less 'aggressive' - not because I don't like aggressive music in general (I very much do), it's just that honestly, I think Russell's 'aggressive' vocals simply don't do his 'clean' vocals ANY justice. I was very disappointed that the new album really only had 1 song where he really sang well - and that was the title song. More epicness, less short catchy riffs is what I loved about SyX to begin with, and while every band likes to change and move on, they seem to forget what made them popular in the first place. Anyway thats my 2 cents..
I LOVE the heaviness. It's great. I think they should definitely continue with this style because I have a feeling they will combine it even more seamlessly with their proginess and epicness than ever before, to create yet another amazing work. I feel as if their true masterpiece has yet to grace our ears (not to rag on all their albums - they're all masterpieces!) sometimes. Maybe it will be the next one?

I just hope there is another epic song up their sleeves to stand by the Odyssey and Divine Wings.

Anyway, it's not like PL was that drastic of a change; Symphony X was all I heard. Though it was more so than other albums.
I'd prefer a mixture of the 2 sounds the most. I love both aspects a lot. I'll always be one to support more epicness though... and epicness can still be done with harsh vocals.

Also, I agree with Zach and Charis... Allen's vocals on PL may be heavy, but they're nowhere near death metal. Growling doesn't really have a distinct note-value. When Allen is singing with a harsh tone, he's still hitting notes.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I have a feeling that they're going to combine the badassedness (?) of PL with epicness more seamlessly than ever before. But who knows? Maybe they'll surprise us.
The next cd will be neoclassical progressive disco. You heard it here first...
(dedicated to Andy Gibb)

For the love of God, Please understand that this is a joke!I'm just trying to derail the thread since the tour for PL isn't even half over yet!:mad: Predictions for Prog Power USA XX anybody?????
Michael Romeo said in the interview with Sir Jay that they're probably gonna stay "kind of where they are now" so maybe not those epic accolades and odysseys? I personally don't know what I want from the next album. I think Paradise Lost was a bit too heavy and only contains a couple of good songs. I think the odyssey-kind-of-stuff works for the best. But then again, if they would make another 20+ mins long epic song, would it be as good as The Odyssey? doubt it... DWOT and The Odyssey are the best albums in my opinion, but maybe something new and "not-so-symphny x-like" for example some acoustic stuff? :lol:
I'd prefer a mixture of the 2 sounds the most. I love both aspects a lot. I'll always be one to support more epicness though... and epicness can still be done with harsh vocals.

Also, I agree with Zach and Charis... Allen's vocals on PL may be heavy, but they're nowhere near death metal. Growling doesn't really have a distinct note-value. When Allen is singing with a harsh tone, he's still hitting notes.

:lol: at death-metal type vocals.. hell i wish there were some!

i wish for them to go back to the things that, in my opinion, made them what they are.. which is stuff like TiO, DWoT, V etc. More symphonic, less 'aggressive' - not because I don't like aggressive music in general (I very much do), it's just that honestly, I think Russell's 'aggressive' vocals simply don't do his 'clean' vocals ANY justice. I was very disappointed that the new album really only had 1 song where he really sang well - and that was the title song. More epicness, less short catchy riffs is what I loved about SyX to begin with, and while every band likes to change and move on, they seem to forget what made them popular in the first place. Anyway thats my 2 cents..

I agree 100% here.

I dont mind the new stuff, and for some songs its really good, but they need to remember what made the old fans love them, so maybe in their next album just make a few songs for us? Accolade III would be fine with me! :)
