By "more animated" i mean that Russel enunciates his words in a much more animated and deliberate than someone like Dio. For example, the way Russel sings "Ravaged the Babylon whore" is very different than the way i'd ever hear Dio sing something. I think Dio's influence on Russ is indisputable for much of his early stuff up through V, but once they got heavier and more intense and Russ's vocal style changed, he lost a lot of "Dio" in his more aggressive stuff. You can still hear it in his cleaner vocals though (cleaner being for like ballads as opposed to the heavier songs).

Again, i don't think it discredits Russ any to say that I think Dio is better overall... others will disagree and that's fine, but i think Dio's influence and history, not to mention his cataloue is much more impressive to me than what Russ has accomplished so far. But that's basically saying Russ is just a tad bit less amazing than Jesus, so it's not really an insult :lol:

And before we get into a theological debate, I don't believe in Jesus. I believe in Dio.
Dios an origional but Im pretty sure Allens stuff is more demanding, more use of range and other variants.

We'll see how Allen's hitting those notes into his 60's. :)

Not that I'm disagreeing on the demanding part, though.

I definitely hear tons of Dio in Russell's voice, but I don't know if I could pick which one I like better. And a Dio VS. Russell topic is just pointless.
Dio is holding up pretty good... a definante advantage to being small... seriously, I'm not just talking about singing, I see it in the labor field all the time.

True about the VS thing, I feel that way in many instances far less related