SX and Paradise Lost = Satanic ??

It's well known Carbon-14 dating has a limit of about 60,000 years max. Why would they use it to date fossils (id est: ROCKS) in the first place? Potassium-Argon dating would be much more efficient in getting an age.

Take a gander, por favor.

That's the whole point, a rock that was really from the Jurassic Period wouldn't have had any C14 left, but this one did, actually it had enough C14 to be only 23,000 years old.
Just because it's not from Earth in no way means it has to be older or newer it could be the same age.

Doesn't mean that it's not either though. Saying "all matter is the same age" is an extremely broad and ridiculous statement considering we will never in our lifetime be able to identify all matter.
100% agreed. The first time i heard that song i was floored. Not even glen benton can ruin it with his shitty death metal vocals.

His vocals compliment the song pretty well imo. Deicide is hella lame though.

When I first heard the song I was fairly impressed by the riffs and the drumming... and then that harmony part came in and I almost had a heart attack from the awesomeness.
Doesn't mean that it's not either though. Saying "all matter is the same age" is an extremely broad and ridiculous statement considering we will never in our lifetime be able to identify all matter.

well, yes and no. You're right in the sense that to prove it conclusively to say without any shade of doubt all matter is the same age, you'd have to have every piece of matter in the universe and blah blah blah. However, it is reasonable based upon observation to infer that matter is recycled, and not created anew.

Actually, i'm unsure on this aspect... i gotta look into that more.
His vocals compliment the song pretty well imo. Deicide is hella lame though.
I think they could have got a better vocalist, but they wanted his noteriety. He didn't do bad in Vital though. Deicide can lick my balls though, so agreed there.
When I first heard the song I was fairly impressed by the riffs and the drumming... and then that harmony part came in and I almost had a heart attack from the awesomeness.
Exactly! My buddy was like "listen to this" and i was like "eh... it's pretty good but i don't see why you're crapping your pan... OH MY GOD!!! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!?!"
Are you serious? Of course I have to rely on other people's research, so does everyone else in this debate. None of use have the time or the funding for that matter to date the Earth. Your argument is ridiculous.
No, see, you missed where I said you appeal to authority. There's a difference between providing the research of others, and explaining why it makes sense, and just presenting the research of others and assuming that it is true. You've consistently done the latter. I don't see any of your own thoughts in your arguments, just regurgitated drivel to use against the supposed heathens. Keep in mind that I believe in creationism, evolution, and christ. You aren't convincing me, what makes you think you can convince nonbelievers?
Well yes of course, however young earth theory believes these are the same age.
See next reply.
Just because it's not from Earth in no way means it has to be older or newer it could be the same age.
Actually, you're right. But the chances of that are astronomically, pun intended, low.

So you believe the big bang (you did believe in that right, it seems crucial to your expansion position) blew out a completely finished earth? :lol: Or are you just stating the obvious, that all universal matter is reused. Even though all matter, including the matter in my T-shirt, can never be created or destroyed, it can be modified in such a way that is detectable by current technology to ascertain the last known time of modification- such as when it stopped being linen and became a shirt, or when it stopped being white and was dyed black. You can say meteorite rock is as old as the universe and trivially be correct, but our technology is able to estimate with reasonable accuracy the age based on when the matter was last modified to its current form.
In order for a new argument to gain validity, you must first cast doubt on the current accepted theory in order for anyone to take a look at the data supporting the new theory. Pretty simple scientific practice.
Well, no. Unless you're talking about bad science. Good science presents a new theory, and substantial evidence to support the new theory, which in turn may cast doubt on any other theories. Not the other way around. Proving somebody wrong does not make you right.

Well actually we do not use it as much as you claim, in the year 2008 geological dating is still considered the more valid dating method and it's hundreds of years old. I'll respnd to your other inqueries tonight after my practice and class.
And you discount geological dating. You also discount carbon dating. Do you date at all? :lol:
cannibalism - the other white meat - tastes good less filling..... now excuse me while I go loose my sandwich

Seriously I have long pondered the innocence of mankind. For decades I used to believe we were born innocent and then only corrupted by society or improper/tramatic up bringing. Then I had my daughter and watched the behavior of her group of friends. Then I decided we were born evil and needed it beat out of us.... just joking about the "beat" and "evil" part but I did notice some very devious behavior at a very early age. Those wanting to be the one in control of everything (this was my daughters at times), those playing little games to be #1 or turn the rest on one particular child.... for shits and giggles, the liars, and most other common sociol problems. You have young boys for example that like to kick cats, pull the legs off frogs, put cats in microwave, ect. ect. ect. Girls are common instigators of trouble, really big on cliques, tattle taleing even if it needs to be made up and as we all know... the primary inspiration for murder/war/conquest...... lol this is why we practice on frogs and cats beginning at young age. [all tongue in cheek people but terrifyingly symbolic]

So when I try to imagine a group of children raised on their own on a tropical island (bring on the Blue Lagoon jokes) I picture a complete nightmare. I would expect a fair amount of sanity at first but increasingly deteriorating as the population rose.

Of the people that were most isolated from Greek, Roman & Hebrew culture I have best knowledge of Native Americans. Apparently they commonly believed there was one creator and that they came from the sea, what this means, I dont know. None the less, they had continued conquests/wars, had slavery, were extremely territorial (not enough when it counted the most), yet did hold their women in high regard and I believe it was at least the Iroquoi women actually held positions of council. Failure to hold women in high regard is something that stood out like a sore thumb when I was trying to struggle through Genesis and drew my conclusion about "the book". It appeared to me thats women and children were little more than a possession and of very little mention with only the first born worthy of mentioning much or passing the hat too. The part about Abram being demanded to sacrifice his first born and the fact that he even was ready to go through with it disturbs me. Heres me and "God" having that conversation.... "bring me an offering of your first born to sacrifice".... "YO!... F U C K.... YOU! GO MAKE YOUR PROMISES AND THREATS TO SOME OTHER FOOL".... for any that dont know, Abram was let off the hook for being willing to following through and didnt have to in the end... God said it was just a test of faith..... So this inspires one more "FUCK YOU!" from me.

Of course a few thousand years later, God sent his only son to tell us the business of sacrifice, having more than one woman and many other things were no longer OK....... Oh... Kay ?

So even the modern table of morals becomes highly controvercial when compared to those of the bible.... created in Gods short work week.... just 6000 years ago....... lol

Anybody wanting to get a good grip on what the Bible and early Hebrew culture was all about should read as much as they can swallow of Genesis, at which point it becomes blatenly obvious. It must be read word for word, not in the verse jumping fashion common with religious sects as they make up their own stories. Does anybody believe it was actually broken down in all those tiny verses origionally ? If so what for ? Its a no brainer to me. It in fact circumferences all the various factors which brings us to what we today simply call - self serving, self righous, selfish, greedy men..... and its all A OK... so long as you tout the "good book" at your side whilst on thy quest.

by the way, in regards to my last paragraph, i have to stress the part of not imposing morals on other people. I still talk to the dude and the ex, there's no friction. Again, it's not something i would personally do because it would make me feel like a shitty person. I've done some stuff that most people would say is wrong regardless of circumstance, but my conscience is clear on because I know where i was at and where my life was at during that time and place. I'll still say that I may not have acted as a noble individual would all my life, but again I have learned from those situations and moved on, not feeling i'm any better or worse of a person because of it.

Thats why you "do her" before she becomes an ex, that keeps it all straight up and stuff, group orgies and like that........ [kidding]
well, yes and no. You're right in the sense that to prove it conclusively to say without any shade of doubt all matter is the same age, you'd have to have every piece of matter in the universe and blah blah blah. However, it is reasonable based upon observation to infer that matter is recycled, and not created anew.

Actually, i'm unsure on this aspect... i gotta look into that more.

I meant with respect to possibly older matter. And fyi, for all we know matter can be created anew. We have not explored enough outside of earth to make any universal judgments. Hell, our "knowledge" of Earth, whether you want to believe it or not, isn't much to begin with. This is the biggest problem I have with taking religion literally.
razoredge, I got a book for you: Lord Of The Flies. Check it out. Kids on an island scenario.

What's your real name by the way? I don't want to keep calling you razor :lol:
Everyone knows rock only dates back to around 1955, I dont see what all the fuss is about. Then as man delved deeper into the vast depths he created metal....... it is a brave new world.... end of story
razoredge, I got a book for you: Lord Of The Flies. Check it out. Kids on an island scenario.

What's your real name by the way? I don't want to keep calling you razor :lol:

I've answered to dickhead on numerous occasions but as for you, you can call me Steve..... that is Lord Steve - Duke of all things sceptical

I do wish I read more Ken but Im just not much on any books, twas my downfall. Hated reading and writing, when it took commitment. I liked Rock and all things earthly and shapely (mountains, ladies, Italian sports cars, ect.), if only I'd know reading would have gotten me what I liked most..... ha ha haha