Paradise Lost CD Booklet Images


New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2009
Hey I recently picked up the new release of Paradise Lost with the bonus DVD (I love it btw) and I was just wondering... There is a lot of awesome art in the booklet, why can't I find any of these images online for a wallpaper or something? I just think they'd make a pretty sick wallpapers or even posters/wall scrolls.

:notworthy Symphony X
I uploaded this one.

I'd personally like to have the image of the "occulus ex inferni" picture which is printed on the inside cover when you open it up. You know the same one that is present on the long sleeve PL shirt.
Thanks, man.
Ya that one is pretty sick.

I would really like it if they (Symphony X) released the original files in hi-res or something.
Not that scans are unusable or anything, but they aren't as good as native images.
Yeah I wish they could too. I know what you're saying. I tried enhancing the scan as much as I could and that's best I could get it.
I'm sure it has something to do with anti-piracy crap, like the fact that the artwork is one of the things that you don't get if you download the album. Not always true, but you know...

Anyway, i'm sure it's just a way to keep people buying albums.
I'm sure it has something to do with anti-piracy crap, like the fact that the artwork is one of the things that you don't get if you download the album. Not always true, but you know...

Anyway, i'm sure it's just a way to keep people buying albums.

Its literally true...But fans from the countries which dont allow buying online would miss the band big time, they want to buy though. Like I openly admit that I did download all the albums only because I cant get the real copy. And God bless downloading, only because of it finally I can listen to my most favorite band SX. And I hope I'd buy all the real copies of the albums and all the t-shirts and stuffs when I'll go abroad where I can get them.