Excessive Typos in Paradise Lost Booklet

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Jul 28, 2007
So yesterday I finally bought Paradise Lost, and I'll start off by saying the first picture in the booklet is absolutely sick. All the pictures are, really. One problem - excessive typos. The first thing I noticed is the pre-chorus in "Set the World on Fire" - it says "there's no turning back falling deep into the sweet collapsing back" - I'm pretty sure Russ says "sweep" and there should also be some punctuation to emphasize the distance between lines. Next is "Domination" - "Rotting from the inside out, ripping away to the core" <-- Russ clearly sings "rip it away at the core" on the recording. "...slaughtering innocence for evermore" <--I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "forever more." Serpent's Kiss - "...solemn oath of sheer destruction, a nightmare though and though" <-- come on, seriously. Paradise Lost - simply forgot the ending chorus "looking down from IMPERIAL skies..." is what Russ actually sings. The rest of the lyrics look o.k. but this seems very, very unprofessional. I'm surprised this subject didn't come up before. I'm 20 and certainly not an English major, but I could sure as hell do a better job writing out Symphony X's lyrics than whoever put them in the booklet. :Smug:
I believe that in Paradise Lost he says "looking down from ethereal skies", not imperial and it does say that in the booklet I think.
Honestly, sometimes its a little hard to understand what Allen is actually singing so unless you have some sort of evidence of one of the writers of the song of the actual lyrics you can't really say if you're right or wrong.
Before the CD came out someone posted on Dark Lyrics for Serpent's Kiss " to the spider I swear " and he was ridiculed and treated like a dumbass, and when the CD came out I checked out the booklet and to my awe it actually said " to this spider I swear".
Moral, we need some evidence from a band member lol.
actually in the booklet it says "to this spite i swear" and that may be right although it sounds like "to despite i swear" - and why would Russ be singing "falling deep into the sweet"? it grammatically makes no sense, especially considering it makes more sense to say "falling deep into the sweep" because that's what's happening at that point in the story. in paradise lost, the lyrics are clearly "looking down from ethereal skies...." in the FIRST TWO times the chorus is played (in Em) - at the end, when the KEY CHANGES, Russell sings "looking down from IMPERIAL skies" - listen to it closer. i would really like to hear a response from one of the band members, but i doubt they would comment on this.
I really think he does change the word at the key change, but it is uncertain. In Lie of lies it actually sounds like he says "collapsing back" instead of "black". But it depends on if the "SW..." word is being used as an adjective or not.
@ Marq

Is English your first language? Sweet is an adjective. He is describing the "collapsing black" as being "sweet". At the absolute least, it makes more sense than "falling deep into the sweep collapsing black". Also, after listening again, it is "ethereal" at the end of Paradise lost, not "imperial". Either way, I think this is something that's a bit ridiculous to complain about. It's not like they'd be the first band to have typos in their CD booklet (if there even are any...I don't have the cd booklet here at school with me nor do I care enough to go through and nitpick).
@ Marq

Is English your first language? Sweet is an adjective. He is describing the "collapsing black" as being "sweet". At the absolute least, it makes more sense than "falling deep into the sweep collapsing black". Also, after listening again, it is "ethereal" at the end of Paradise lost, not "imperial". Either way, I think this is something that's a bit ridiculous to complain about. It's not like they'd be the first band to have typos in their CD booklet (if there even are any...I don't have the cd booklet here at school with me nor do I care enough to go through and nitpick).

@ Marq

Is English your first language? Sweet is an adjective. He is describing the "collapsing black" as being "sweet". At the absolute least, it makes more sense than "falling deep into the sweep collapsing black". Also, after listening again, it is "ethereal" at the end of Paradise lost, not "imperial". Either way, I think this is something that's a bit ridiculous to complain about. It's not like they'd be the first band to have typos in their CD booklet (if there even are any...I don't have the cd booklet here at school with me nor do I care enough to go through and nitpick).

Sweet is an adjective, you are right. It's not a VERB, like how it's supposed to be. Falling deep into the sweep makes more sense because they are sweeping out civilization. And he says "imperial" at the end, listen to it. LISTEN TO IT. Take the context into consideration. Listen.
I did listen closely and it's most definitely "ethereal".

As far as "sweet" vs. "sweep" I have no clue where you're even getting this from. The line is "there's no turning back, falling deep into the sweet collapsing black". That makes perfect sense grammatically and contextually.

You started a sentence with "and". No more grammar "corrections" from you.
I've listened to the end of "Paradise Lost" multiple times to make sure, with multiple friends - and I am well more than 100% positive he says "imperial" in the ending chorus - "ethereal" is only in the Em choruses. And.And.And.And.And.... you're well wrong. Explain to me why it would be "falling deep into the sweet" - explain it. Seriously. Brb I'm gonna go practice my sweet picking; you know, the kind of picking where I play


what a sweet that was. I'm gonna go sweet my kitchen floor, though and though. Then I'm gonna go buy some Star Wars action figures - the guys w/ the white gear and white helmets. They're storm troopers right? Oh yea, they're part of the Ethereal army. :headbang:

You can have your misheard lyrics, I don't want them.
and wait i just realized you said "collapsing BLACK" - need i say more? pwned.
Marq, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You may just become hated on this forum for acting the way you are and quite possibly banned.
It makes sense for the lyrics to be " falling deep into the sweet, collapsing black ", but sweep does not really make that much sense. It's ethereal skies, he does not say imperial skies, why would they change that one word on the last chorus? That makes no sense whatsoever and ethereal skies makes a lot more sense than imperial skies.

But still, not many people actually know what Allen is singing in Through the Looking Glass after "the final answer she seeks". lol
I for one think he says "devil egg to be crowned queen" or "double a to be crowned queen"
Luckily for you, I'm not going to take the bait and call you retarded. Nope, it definitely would not be right to say that you are retarded or point out that you're being a dick. Jax would NOT like me saying you are mentally retarded, as that would be a personal insult.

If the line stopped after "sweet" then you might have a valid point, unfortunately for you that is not the case. The line (as I've already pointed out twice) is, "there's no turning back, falling deep into the sweet collapsing black". Do you notice those two words that come after "sweet"? He is falling (verb) into the collapsing (verb) black (noun). He is describing the "black" as being sweet (adjective). You can practice your sweet picking all you want (it's probably not all that sweet anyway), but it won't negate my point in any way.

I think that'll be the last of my contributions to this issue, as it just occurred to me that I've wasted several minutes of my Sunday evening giving a grammar lesson amidst a debate over something so ridiculously insignificant.
Thank you, Kenneth. At least some one here realizes how ridiculous it is to be falling deep into the SWEET collapsing BLACK. Of course this is a great album - it's in my TOP 5 OF ALL TIME, and that says a lot coming from someone who's studied the entire history of music for years. My point is, this album deserves to have a booklet that's just as perfect as the recording is. The pictures are amazing, too - I just really wish that a band who's vocabulary is so broad would have a perfect lyric sheet. And (oops I said 'and' in the beginning of a sentence, sue me) I do mean PERFECT. Have any of you ever heard a single mistake on any Symphony X recording? I haven't. Therefore, there should certainly be no mistakes in their booklet. Just goes to show you that some bands are better than what they've been provided with. Symphony X rules. And.......... Jax, do you think that there is any way we could actually get the real lyrics? I know people here are like "big deal, just a booklet bleh" - but honestly, I'm the kind of guy who believes a band like Symphony X deserves only the BEST, because they are elite. I'd really like to know what Russ thinks of all this. It's really not a big deal, and I just wanted to make a thread about this because I haven't seen one yet, but like I said - Symphony X is the best, therefore they deserve the best.
You can practice your sweet picking all you want (it's probably not all that sweet anyway)

And yet you want to call me a retarded dick on a thread that I started because I believe that Symphony X's lyrics were misprinted. Thanks. [ame]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gPBm988pwYc[/ame]

I'm no Romeo, but I know how to sweep pick. I love you too.
a) That comment was made in jest to emphasize the useage of "sweet" as an adjective with no care or consideration for your guitar playing...I'll keep things more straightfoward from here on out.

b) I never said I wanted to call you a dick, I said it would be wrong to do so.:)

c) To soon for love.
So my sister thinks that the ending chorus is still "ethereal" - I must be going crazy because I still hear that "MP" emphasized in that last chorus. I need Russell Allen to clear this up, I'm at war with my own family over this haha. My friends still agree w/ me though, this is absolutely ridiculous. Flame no more, please - I need to get this cleared up, I've only found a couple posts on random (and foreign) forums that agree Russ says "imperial" in the ending chorus. Perhaps a poll would do justice if a Symphony X representative can't clarify?
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