Excessive Typos in Paradise Lost Booklet

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I'll ask Russ to come look at the thread & see if he has any comments to share. No promises though. Now play nice, kids.
Marq, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You may just become hated on this forum for acting the way you are and quite possibly banned.
It makes sense for the lyrics to be " falling deep into the sweet, collapsing black ", but sweep does not really make that much sense. It's ethereal skies, he does not say imperial skies, why would they change that one word on the last chorus? That makes no sense whatsoever and ethereal skies makes a lot more sense than imperial skies.

But still, not many people actually know what Allen is singing in Through the Looking Glass after "the final answer she seeks". lol
I for one think he says "devil egg to be crowned queen" or "double a to be crowned queen"

yah..i m agree wid you..marq u shud leave the forum
^ what planet is this anyhow ? The attitude of both these posts (and others) is absurd. "leave the forum"... you got to be kidding me.

Great entertainment though
yah..i m agree wid you..marq u shud leave the forum

yea because he thinks that Russ is singing something other than what the typo ridden booklet says. i read through it too, there are more mistakes than on most cd's that have lyric sheets. hopefully Russ will clear everything up, and you guys might be surprised what he has to say (if he does- i'll keep my fingers crossed). i m NO agree wid you
I just want to take the opportunity to bitch about the way Russ pronounces crystalline :P

Anyway, i think it's been mentioned previously, singers will often change the words they're singing in the studio to better suit the music if they feel they need to. Nobody sits in the studio writing down word for word what really gets sung, so what goes to the printers are the original lyrics as written down by whoever.
I was wondering whenc Zach would give his two sense. As far as grammatical errors go, i don't know because I'm horrible at it! But its not un heard of for russ to sing something CLEARLY diff' from whats in the booklet.... So on that note we should all just calm down and use our indoor voices :)
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