Excessive Typos in Paradise Lost Booklet

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marq... he is talking about falling deep into the sweet collapsing black. the object is the sweet collapsing black. sweet is the adjective explaining the collapsing black. the only typo maybe the black/back.

though and though is legit typo.

ethereal. it's ethereal. he says ethereal. impirial skies makes no sense. i don't care what your friends think. the story has nothing to do with imperial anything.

why are we arguing about this? a band makes music, not booklets. some bands don't include lyrics at all. you're lucky to get them, wrong or right. maybe now we can complain about the font they used? or for not using correct apa or mla format on their thank you page?
imperial does make sense because satan is the leader of an empire, correct? and seriously, i'm sure we would like to bitch about the font :Smug:. no need for comments like that - did you not read what i said? symphony x is the best and they deserve to have their booklet's lyrics spelled correctly. how would you like to read the most amazing piece of literature you've ever seen and then all of a sudden you see something you just feel isn't right? this is my thread, and i'd like my questions answered with validity and not people trying to be jerks. i know what it feels like to have a typo on my album, and it sucks. i just want to know if my questions are the same concern to other people. and omg i'm so pissed about that font, lemme tell you.
the story of lucifer is how he is cast from heaven, at that point at least. this is his realizing that him and his followers have to leave paradise, BEFORE he forms his empire.

my comment about the font wasn't trying to be an asshole... althought it did come off that way so i appologise. what i was trying to point out is that the booklet is completely secondary. it has no real connection with the music. if the lyrics in the booklet are wrong, you can (and clearly already have) come to that realization. so then it's not really a problem at all. just listen to the music. but ot be fair my comments on were just as immature as yours about the storm troopers and sweet picking and the like.

if you trully believe those are the lyrics, then sing those ones. i'll sing ethereal and sweet collapsing black.

.... hahhaah i don't think anyone will sing "though and though":lol:
I'd like to point out marq et.al. that bands such as Opeth often have fucked up lyrics that do not make grammatical sense. It wouldn't surprise me that SX did also. At the same time, to start a thread bitching about this and go postal on anyone of a differing opinion, you really should heed them when they belittle your intelligence - they're onto an ego issue.
Wow guys. I take two days off and you pull this shit? Seriously...

Marq, here's the deal. bands don't always have every lyric word for word. In fact, many times you can write the lyrics out, but in the middle of the recording they can change one word to something that means the same but is a different phrasing (i'm refering to the "ripping away to the core" bit here).

Also, just wanted to say that i've seen a lot of childish threads here, but man... this takes the cake for "i'ma take my ball and go home" attitudes. :lol:
Another SX fan taking a thrashing from a few who are not really, how typical. But as others have said there are many instances of this happening and the band may not even know there is discrepencies if there really is. The quest of perfection while quite noble is rarely accomplished
or we could all just be bashing retarded posts, regardless of band-fandom. it does happen. zach's point is entirely valid, bands often change the lyrics in the studio after the booklets have gone to print. subtle differences and omissions abound. to throw a hissy fit about it is childish indeed.

definitely seeking validation. any help guys? maybe i should start my own self-validating thread. parking level B-2
I just listened to the last chorus in Paradise Lost (the one in Gm)... he's definitely saying "ethereal." You can tell when Russ goes into his crazy improvised blues stuff an octave higher... the "th" sound is clearly audible. But is it really that important? I guess it is, as I just took time out of my busy evening to listen to a song I listen to multiple times a day, anyway. That made no sense. By the way, I've never heard the "to this spider I swear" line. There's not enough time for the second syllable of "spider" to be clearly sung or heard. "Legions of lights beating down the ma'am" is much more believable.
Ah... well i'm not bashing anyone. I was simply explaining to Marq that it isn't always so much a "typo" as just changes that are made. I mean, it'd be like flying off the handle if someone doesn't play a solo note for note live.

And to be fair, people were simply correcting his mistakes at first. Marq did come out with a bit of a "no fuck you i'm right because it makes more sense to me" attitude, but whatever. I'ma go grab some popcorn and see if this unfolds into a better argument :D
whatever kind of popcorn you like sucks, the kind I like fuckin' rocks

Marq? Lol, just playing.

I thought I saw that "spider I swear" in the booklet. Oh well.
Fact is, they pay some Chinese people who probably only know a little english to type out and print the booklets so it shouldn't be surprising that there are typos. Marq go sing your imperial and what not and the rest of us will sing our "double a to be crowned queen". Thanks.
i was w/ 'marq' last night - he was drunk, and that's the reason for the excessive flamage. and, the bitch stole MY video and posted it in this thread. trying to give me some promotion lol - or just make me look like an egotistical prick. i'd be mad if i didn't know the bastard. this thread is :Smokin:
werent talkin about you Zach the thrashin I was refering to went on much earlier. My point is valid.
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