Before I say anything else let me say I still like my Symphony X from time to time, I have over played them quite some time ago but I still dose up every now and then. I do agree with those that feel they have not changed much. Paradise Lost is still growing on me but it was obvious from the first I listened to it that it was more of the same with alot of moments that sounded way too fimiliar... but possibly less epic, or just that I heard all the others first and was used to their "epic". Still I hear all the elements used in previous recording, so I actually dont get the "PL is heavier" or PL doesnt have the softer more thoughful moments. Russ is in the harsh state of vocals most of the time, sounding a bit courser than previous recordings. Im not sure what they can change, it is their sound and where do they go to not be following any latest trends ? Get darker ? Dont we really have enough "dark" bands ? Seems to me SX has been about hope, not gloom and doom, I'll be damned if I find anything invigorating about becoming "black", worshipping the dead or goat sacrifice lol. "Blackish Screams"... please give me a break... hopefully that is not supposed to be a show of great inspirational talent, it seems everyone can do it but few can actually sing.
Symphony X is actually a very seasoned band, 14 years/7 albums, its just possible we have heard their best, bands typically do their best work in their early years, they deserve credit for not sucking or being extremely redundent by this point in time by comparision to so many other bands. Hopefully there is a few great pieces of work left in them that I can enjoy, I suspect that there is and it should be something that they feel and comes naturally to them, not forced in a fashion to appease any latest trends.