Songs of the Week


May 22, 2003
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Woods of Ypres - Deepest Roots and Darkest Blues
Poppy "black" metal thats just awesome

Krallice - Wretched Wisdom
As of this post, only song I've heard of this band. Black metal featuring a member of Behold... The Arctopus who I can only assume wanted to join a project that would allow him to actually write music. Rules. Currently THIEVING the album.

John Williams - Duel of the Fates
This week:

Akercocke - Verdelet
Been listening to their last two albums a lot this week. For some reason I never gave them that much of a listen.

Arkhon Infaustus - M33 Constellation
Fuckin' nasty Black/Death. Fairly brutal, but still maintains a pretty sinister atmosphere, and the album has enough slow/epic passages to keep it from getting tiring.
(song doesn't actually begin til like 1:15 in)

Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves

Azam Ali - Spring Arrives
Total chillout. I dunno what you call it. Middle Eastern influenced triphop? Whatever it is, its good.
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Necrovation - the whole Breed Deadness Blood album

The Chasm - the whole Procession to the Infraworld album

Portishead - The Rip
(gay video)
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Hey Christians, what about that bit that said to KILL YOUR OWN FAMILY should they not believe in the same thing you do.

That one slip the mind?