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DG - \w/
Woods Of Ypres - Woods III: The Deepest Roots And Darkest Blues
As Black Metal releases go, Woods Of Ypres' aptly titled third release "Woods III" is fairly unique. They blend cleaner vocals with your more standard Black Metal shrieks and both are sung excellently. Sometimes harmonized but all the time they complement each other very well. Brilliant atmospheres and an almost pagan feel, Woods Of Ypres' varied paced Black Metal is a beautifully cold affair and one not the be missed by any open-minded Black Metal fan.
So far 488 votes have been cast.
A Forest Of Stars - The Corpse of Rebirth
Coldworld - Melancholie²
Dark Fortress - Eidolon
Darkspace - III
Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Gorath - Misotheism
Krallice - Krallice
Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Part I
Woods Of Ypres - Woods III: The Deepest Roots And Darkest Blues
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DG - \w/