Songs we must hear at the afterparties

Or you can just walk into some karaoke party going on at the Castle, assuming that the noise would be from Prog Power people and finding out that you're wrong :D

yes, but that party was quite boring last year. You couldn't even wal into it without people asking what are you doing here. Eventhough i was going to my room atm... as we already were out of beverages in the yard
whahahaha i hadn't seen that video yet of the afterparty at the castle last year, whahahaha. i had to work early the next day so i left early but remco came back on monday. he told me there was a kickass party going on but i didn't expect this!! this is great!! i doubt Remco has seen this yet i'll show him as soon as he comes back from practising with Sarah Phimm, a band he is helping out, they were one guitarist short. and you know Remco never to shy to pick up the guitar!! whahahah
and in the very end.. Wish u were here - Pink Floyd... but not until the very very end of the after after after party!
When an outsider would read the board i wouldn't be surprised he or she gets the impression that everybody in the basement was sleeping instead of partying :p.


PP is just too damn exhausting, heh.
well you can hit me...but, I have to say it: :p

korpiklaani - vodka
korpiklaani - beer beer
korpiklaani - happy little boozer

ooohhh and hardcore superstar - into debauchery :notworthy