Sonic Maximizer


Sep 12, 2008
I've heard that it helps with layered vocals and mastering, is it worth getting one?
Devin Townsend uses a BBE Maximizer, and if that's anything to go by, it seems a worthwhile investment to me...
I always thought they colored the sound too much and it's hard to get a good sound with it that doesn't make the highs really harsh. But once you find the sweet spot it can be quite awesome. Part of the way it works has to do with it slightly delaying each frequency so that the speaker does not have to push all the frequencies at once, that improves clarity a lot.
In my experience they can be a great tool, but the kind of thing you want to use sparingly.

When you bump up the lows and highs, they can sound good if you're into that type of thing, but sounding too scooped can make the tracks sound terribly drowned out in a mix, and I found the sound going into a microphone when micing up a cabinet or something with a BBE on, wasn't as good and didn't translate as well. They seem like they could be fun for live use though maybe.

I've never used it for vocals but I imagine you would be able to get some good sounds and clarity with it.
A buddy of mine has one, cant remember which model, that he uses on bass and it was DRASTIC like night and day. Everything was so much more clear and open when he switched it on. I dont know about guitar or vocals because I haven't experimented with them but I know it worked great on my buddy's LTD bass with emgs through a hartke and matching 4x10 cab.
garbage, crap, sand in your eyes


I've never heard of Devin using one, but anything is possible with him LOL. I'm not always crazy about his mixing decisions, and he's fairly humble about that aspect of his talents (to a hilarious extent.) But he's also my single biggest inspiration musically, so I mean this in the best way. :kickass:

Back to the BBE though - they have a strange way of making crappy gear sound almost acceptable (or they at least turn "shit" into "different shit"), but they will make any truly good gear sound awful. I used to run one through the loop of my Line 6 Flextone II head in 2001, using the "Insane" model as my primary heavy rhythm tone (LAWL!!!!) if that gives you a sense of how much of a n00b I was then.
Lol @ all the youtubers going OMG GET A HOTPLATE FOR YOUR 5150!!! ITLL MAKE IT BE AWESOME.

I never heard a clip of a good amp with attenuator that actually sounded any good.
proof that a fuck load of people have no idea what theyre talking about

but like shane said, it makes sense for devin to use one, cos well, he's devin townsend *shrug* and tha's koo'.
If you want to scoop the mids, use a parametric eq, not a "phase correction" (this is actually wrong) unit.