BBE Sonic Stomp Sonic Maximizer Guitar Pedal


Aug 8, 2008
I've just got my hands on the BBE Sonic Stomp Sonic Maximizer Guitar Pedal and I was wondering if it can be used with something else besides the guitar, lets say, a mic pre or to enhance a backing track. Do any of you guys know?

PS: I know its a guitar pdeal, hence the question :zombie:
But not as a mic pre..

I meant put it in the chain between the mic pre and the mixer to enhance the voices
So I can use it on bass to, pretty cool. Thanks
You can use it on anything. How it will sound is another question. Try it out and tell us how it was.
I have the plugin, its quite nice for brightening things up i discovered sometimes, but any more than a touch and things go yuck. They should rename the two knobs to "mud" & "fizz" haha.
Yeah, you have to be careful with those:)
You go like "just a little more of this" and your guitar sounds like a jigsaw in no time.
Apart from guitars I didn't find it useful for anything else.
If I want to brighten things up a bit, I use my aphex unit.