Sonisphere 2010 interview with Ben


Tanith First & Only
Apr 18, 2008

A couple excerpts I found interesting. Red highlights added by me:


Sonic Shocks: Will there be a new album on the way in the near future?

Ben: Yes, we’re writing as we speak, we’ve got five or six track bubbling around but we’ve not really sat down and talked about anything together yet. I know Ol is working on guitar parts and Matt’s working on idea’s for lyrical subjects and I’ve got a load of ideas in my head I cant articulate to anyone because my laptops knackered (laughs) we are all working on stuff but I think the body of the album will be done when we head back over to the states to record in the fall.:err:

Sonic Shocks: Anything else you want to say to your fans out there.

Ben: Come see Evile at some more festivals, enjoy the tour if you’re in the US/Canada which is in the next couple of months and we should have a new album out next June all going well so check it out. Get the horns up and your head down. Simple as really!


So is Russ not producing the next album, or is he coming to the US with you guys? And when the hell will you guys get a chance to record with this busy fall touring schedule? In any event, 10 months (hopefully) until a new album? Can't wait!:kickass: