sooo as connected as i am, i was the last person to know about Saddam's capture


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Why? Because I was at Aysha's house, where she made me watch the ONLY channel that didn't carry the news--the Disney Channel (some show called "Lizzie McGuire").

I'm happy he is caught.. but im not sure if its because I actually thought he was a threat or it has been beat into my head it is a good thing.
why would anyone not be happy about it, except maybe Pan-Arab nationalists?

if there's one thing the liberal democrats and fundamentalist al-qaedans and conservo-hawks and petro-Russians and man-on-the-street Europeans can find in common, it's in agreeing that this is a very positive thing.

i think it even came at a great time, electionwise. it was inevitable, pretty much, and better now than six months from now or, God forbid, ten and a half months from now.
My dad woke me up at 12:15 today to tell me to watch George W. give a speech about Saddam being caught. I'm certainly glad he was caught, but I didn't want to see that monkey bastard gloat so I went back to sleep for another half hour.
i wish i'd seen the speech, just for historical purposes. my roommate still hasn't forgiven me for not continuing trying to wake him up the morning 9-11 was unfolding.
I was still in high school when 9-11 happened and it was pretty disgusting how they handled it. the planes hit during second period and we watched tv for almost all of the remainder of second and third, but after that the principle started bitching and trying to make us go about business as usual. of course we didn't listen and watched tv the rest of the day but it was kinda rude to try and keep us in the dark on such an important historic event.
haha yeah, that's shitty as hell. this'll date me, i guess, but i was in grade school when the Challenger blew up on live TV and we were one of the only classes in the whole school whose teacher hadn't allowed us to watch it. to this day, i'm enormously bitter about it.

Both Bennett and CNN's David Ensor said their sources report that Saddam was giving rote answers to the questions, or answering with nationalist and patriotic rhetoric.

"For example," Bennett said, "he was offered a glass of water, and Saddam said, 'Well, if I take that glass of water I will have to urinate, and if I have to urinate, I will have to go to the bathroom, and how can I possibly go to the bathroom when my people are enslaved?'"
there's so many good things about this thread, I don't know where to begin.

I saw the 9-11 shit live and I'm the fricken west coast. I really have been getting up too early for quite some time.