Interesting reading total dissections and obliterations from musicians on here. Hoping for more of this come tourney time.
Without a dopamine drip Dark Matter Gods is hands down the worse shit Ive heard from any band that I love. Id rather listen to Reload on a 24hr loop than this horse shit.
I cant pick out all the nuances of musicianship unless directed. I judge music by how it makes me feel. TS&TS with DMG in particular makes me feel like I just had an audiogenic Tommy's dbl cheeseburger with a side of chili fries. I just dont feel all too well after such an undertaking.

Marrow still sounds like Agalloch put forth some effort, but ran out of ideas, and just veered off course just enough to not be accused of facismilation masturbation. This entire exercise made me both joyful and sorrowful. Joyful in the "listening" aspect, sorrowful in what we were listening to.
I opined that Marrow may be well and good enough to compete against Ashes... Nah those were merely endorphins speaking. I popped Ashes on in the car and the contrast was night and day. Its a decent offering and shouldve been Agalloch's last.
I dont recall too much off their EPs, mayhaps that could be another exercise dont the road.
Without a dopamine drip Dark Matter Gods is hands down the worse shit Ive heard from any band that I love. Id rather listen to Reload on a 24hr loop than this horse shit.
I cant pick out all the nuances of musicianship unless directed. I judge music by how it makes me feel. TS&TS with DMG in particular makes me feel like I just had an audiogenic Tommy's dbl cheeseburger with a side of chili fries. I just dont feel all too well after such an undertaking.

Marrow still sounds like Agalloch put forth some effort, but ran out of ideas, and just veered off course just enough to not be accused of facismilation masturbation. This entire exercise made me both joyful and sorrowful. Joyful in the "listening" aspect, sorrowful in what we were listening to.
I opined that Marrow may be well and good enough to compete against Ashes... Nah those were merely endorphins speaking. I popped Ashes on in the car and the contrast was night and day. Its a decent offering and shouldve been Agalloch's last.
I dont recall too much off their EPs, mayhaps that could be another exercise dont the road.