Sorry, another Enslaved question thread

Gory Elephant

Apr 26, 2003
I know this has been done, but someone refresh my memory, if you would be so kind.

What is the verdict on Enslaved? From a person who likes older school, raw, dirty black metal point of view?
Enslaved started out playing a sort of viking/black metal mixture which was fantastic. Now they've expanded into an almost avant-garde type black metal, which is still interesting, but not as good as the older material. You can pretty much get any of the earlier material and completely satisfy your old school craving, or pick up the newer stuff if you like progressive avant-garde oriented material.
i like the newer enslaved better. but im not much of a BM fan. atleast not the grim and grindy mayhem style black metal. i like a little diversity and such.

just one man's opinion
Charubic Murder said:
Enslaved started out playing a sort of viking/black metal mixture which was fantastic. Now they've expanded into an almost avant-garde type black metal, which is still interesting, but not as good as the older material. You can pretty much get any of the earlier material and completely satisfy your old school craving, or pick up the newer stuff if you like progressive avant-garde oriented material.
What he said. Let me emphasize that debut album "Vikingligr Veldi" is a complete masterpiece and absolutely essential if you like any of the Norwegian BM bands of the 90's.
I love Below The Lights and am currently waiting to receive Mardraum and Bloodhemn. probably going to be in the mail tomorrow. hopefully those albums will be as good!
Vikingligr Veldi and previous works are top on you "to get"-list.
Genocide roach, do you HAVE to point out in every single thread even mentioning black metal that you don't like it much(besides Emperor)?
should i just add it in my sig? hahaha. im just giving another perspective, so maybe others who have my same opinion may check it out.
I like black metal and I think Vikinglr Veldi is incredibly typical and mundane, it's about a 3 / 10 album or so... not worth getting by any means whatsoever. Frost is a little better, about a 5 / 10, but it's still incredibly boring. They didn't get good until Eld and great until Mardraum.