Sorry to open a new thread for this...


Enemy Of God
Aug 26, 2007
...but I have to spread the word! Although it's only february,I think here's (IMO) the joke of the year!

A boy asks his father:
-Daddy,I'm writing a project in school, can I ask you a question?
-Sure son,just ask anything you want.
-What is politics,dad?
-Well there are 5 important groups in the society:
1) The people
2) The government
3) The economic power
4) The working class
5) The country's future
-I don't understand it dad,can you explain it to me?
-Sure.I will use our home as an example then:I'm earning the money in the house so I will be the economic power.Your mother is using the money,so she is the government.We take care of your needs,so you are the people.Your little brother is the country's future.And his babysitter is the working class.Do you understand this,son?

Later at night the boy woke from his sleep because he heard his little brother was crying.He went up to check what was wrong and saw that his brother had shit in his pants.So the boy went to his parent's room where his mother was in a heavy sleep.Then he went to the babysitter's room where he peeked through the keyhole and saw that his father doing her good.As he didn't response to the knocking on the door the boy went back to bed and slept until the next morning.

The next morning when the boy met his father,he said:
-Now I think I understand what politics is dad.
-Excellent my son! Can you then explain it to me with your own words?
-Yeah...I think society is built up like this:
While the economic power is ass-fucking the working class,the government sleeps tight, the people gets totally ignored,and the country's future is covered in deep shit!