Ideas for short film that I have to make for Uni

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
I am studying film production at Uni, and I have to make a 3-5 minute film. There are no boundaries, and we can make whatever we want.
I have a few ideas, but I would like your opinions firstly about the idea that I will post here, and also about any ideas that you have that I could possibly make a short film out of. All I need is a basic idea, and I will develop it from there. Thanks, and here is my treatment for the idea I had:

Fade from black into the first shot of an argument between a father and his teenage son. This shot sets the overall mood for the film. The is a very heated conversation, and you can tell that the father is at his breaking point. We don’t know what they are arguing about, but we know that it is serious. The father tells his son to get out of his house and come back when he has changed his attitude.

The next shot shows us the son with his bags packed, turning away from the house and walking off. This shot will show us that the son has actually left home, and remind us that he has been kicked out, because of the distraught look on his face.

The next sequence portrays the struggles that the son goes through on the street. It is clearly a few weeks or months since the argument with his father. We can tell this because the boy has grown a beard, and he looks very messy and unwell. There are several shots that make up this sequence, and they include the boy searching through garbage bins for food, the boy trying to keep warm at night, and a shot of the boy crying himself to sleep. This sequence will hopefully have a strong impact on the viewer, making them appreciate the little things in their life that are so important. This sequence will have a soundtrack overlayed on top of the footage, and the film may be stylised in black and white.

As the soundtrack fades, we come back to the boy as he is standing outside a convienience store. He can see all the food items being displayed in the window, and we get the impression that he desperatly needs to eat something. The boy walks into the store.

Now we are inside the store, and we see the boy walk up to a shelf containing choclate bars, chips, and other food types. The boy clearly wants to eat the food. He looks at the food, and then emptys his pockets. Of course, he has no money, so concludes that he will not be eating the food.

Just as he is about to turn away, he notices a knife for sale on the shelf above him. The boy contemplates taking the knife and holding up the convience store. He plays it over in his head. This will be portrayed in black and white to show that it is a thought, and not a real action.

The more he thinks about it, the more that he convinces himself that he should do it. The boy pulls his beane over his head and grabs the knife off the shelf. As he slowly walks out of the aisle he is in, his father wals into the store and into the next aisle. They do not see each other.

The boy walks over to the cashout and tells the store worker to hand over all the money in the till. The store worker obliges when he sees that the boy is threatening him with a knife.

Meanwhile, we cut to a shot of the boys father walking out if the aisle that he was in. He looks up and notices somebody is robbing the store. He cannot tell that it is his son committing the crime, because his face is covered with a beanie.

The boy still hasn’t seen his father is in the store because he has his back turned to him. The father slowly approaches the theif, his son, and when he is a couple of metres away, he charges at his son and tackles him to the ground. Neither of the 2 realise who the other person is as they struggle with the knife. The son overpowers his dad and turns around ready to stab him. As he turns around, he realises that it is his dad that he is struggling with, and stops himself from stabbing his father. The father, in self defence grabs the knife and stabs his son. Just before he inflicts the fatal wound, the son’s beanie falls off and the father realises that it is his son, but it is too late.
This section could be very powerful if done the right way. I plan to use slow motion, and very dramatic music on top of the footage.
As the father stabs his son, we fade to black, and the film is over.
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
He plays it over in his head. This will be portrayed in black and white to show that it is a thought, and not a real action.

Thats a good idea :)

Very gruesome ending too, gotta love that :)

I say go with it, or you could make a film about guys with sabres of light and spaceships, but I doubt anyone would want to watch that :D
You could start off in a changing room, then move to a sauna. Your male/female ratio is up to you. Asian chicks are quite popular these days, so throw a couple of them in. Plus a big black guy for the "ooh shit how the hell's he gonna get that in?" factor.
OK, I always wanted to do a fucked-up live action Scooby Doo episode where they're driving along and Fred, breathing in the dregs of Shaggy's huge dope cloud, crashes the Mystery Machine through the front of a bikie gang clubhouse while the bikies are there counting up the money from a recent arms shipment. It's all looking pretty grim for the Scooby Doo-ers (especially Daphne, but we won't go there) but Scoob (who escaped) turns up at the last minute with some really good drugs. The bikies bust them out and everyone just falls about getting wasted until the police drag in the butcher from down the street and pull off his mask, revealing him to be someone who wasn't in the film up until now who says, "And I would have got away with it if it hadn't been for those meddling kids."
Sorry Spruce. I know this was meant to be a serious thread.