Sortilège A High Underated band of the 80s


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2010
So hello guys, I dont speak English well so I will only post the videos.






I will post the others more later.

Its a French Metal group.
For the fans of Death metal, Chuck Schuldiner was a fan of them and you can see the same intro in Amazone and Evil Dead

Thank you


Vocals : Christian Augustin
Guitars : Didier Demajean
Guitars : Stephane Dumont
Bass : Daniel Lapp
Drums : Bob Snake

** These songs weres not remasterised since the 80s **

Délire d'un fou





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I opened and edited the posts since I believe that is not promotion but it was bit too excesive.

Sortilege is a very special band for me I have all their releases and it's a shame that unless you find the Axe Killer copies on eBay or alike there's no way to get this music (providing you didn't bought the original vinyls).

Christian "Zouille" Augustin is one of the best vocalist in metal from the 80's, he sung not only fantstic in French but their versions in English are also great (which is rare, since a lot get lost in translation).

My favorites have to be D'Auillers, Majesté, Délire d'un Fou, Mourir Pour une Princesse and the great Messager (messager messager porteur d'un message de guerre ).
Sortilege was basically French Queensryche. Similar production style, guitar work, singer (Christian Augustin is the Geoff Tate of France circa 1984!). Their album Metamorphose is a masterpiece, the other two were good, but never quite managed the same level of majeste.
Very good 80's band indeed. They were one of the only European bands able to compete with the 80's US metal scene !!!
Saw them live last year at KIT and unfortunatly wasn't that good, well, let's be honoust, sounded pretty shitty :blush:
Christian "Zouille" Augustin is one of the best vocalist in metal from the 80's, he sung not only fantstic in French but their versions in English are also great (which is rare, since a lot get lost in translation).

My favorites have to be D'Auillers, Majesté, Délire d'un Fou, Mourir Pour une Princesse and the great Messager (messager messager porteur d'un message de guerre ).

I'd only add that I actually prefer French versions to English ones. It's sung much more fluently and sounds more melodic, I don't know how else to describe it, but I suppose you get me. :)
I'd only add that I actually prefer French versions to English ones. It's sung much more fluently and sounds more melodic, I don't know how else to describe it, but I suppose you get me. :)

I completely agree with you. The English version are much inferior IMO. Zouille was much more comfortable in his native tongue. Delire D'Un Fou is a killer song...
They were one of the only European bands able to compete with the 80's US metal scene !!!

No. There you have Baron Rojo, Heavy Load, the whole NWOBHM which beats anyday the USA bands.

Different tastes I guess :wave:
No. There you have Baron Rojo, Heavy Load, the whole NWOBHM which beats anyday the USA bands.

Different tastes I guess :wave:

Like Carnut, I´m a US metal freak, specially the so called US progressive metal (or technical metal like used to be named in the late 80´s when I started listening music). However, I have to agree with Wyvern in some european bands with a similar level in relation to the US ones.

The band we´re talking about in this thread is one of them. Sortilege is classic heavy stuff with tons of quality. It´s not just a "very good band" like Killers, ADX, H-Bomb, Satan Jokers, Blapheme or other french bands. In my opinion, they´re one step further.

Besides, and obviously :goggly:, Baron Rojo in another example. First four Baron Rojo albums can compete with any band in this world.

I don´t agree with the whote NWOBHM stuff like Wyvern said but some albums (Diamond Head´s "Lightning to the nations", 1st Angel Witch, "Death penalty" from Witchfinder General) are among the best metal albums ever.

Then, we got some scandinavian bands (more famous, of course) like Mercyful Fate (I consider King Diamond an "american" band) or Candlemass among the best of the decade.

Finally, yes. Keep It True "An evening with Sortilege" was an absolutely disappointing.
It´s not just a "very good band" like Killers, ADX, H-Bomb, Satan Jokers, Blapheme or other french bands. In my opinion, they´re one step further.

A connaisseur, great calls :kickass:

I know I stretched a bit with the NWOBHM thingie but I'm a great fan like you and Carnut about USA metal.