SOUL SIGN: New lead singer Mark Boals


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
via :

Mark Boals (known as the voice of Yngwie Malmsteen, Scorpions' Uli Jon Roth etc) was just announced as the new lead singer for Soul Sign. The Los Angeles based group, lead by MacAlpine/Malmsteen/Roth bass player Bjorn Englen, released their debut full length album Life In The Dark in the fall of 2011 (featuring Leatherwolf singer Michael Olivieri) and is now planning to hit the road in the spring of 2013 with Boals behind the mic.

The group recently performed at The Sunset Strip Music Festival in Los Angeles with Boals on vocals: "We had a blast and we all feel like Mark is a great fit for the band!", says Englen. "Michael has done a great job as our singer and we would like to extend our thanks to him. He has chosen to strictly focus on his solo career, but we are still great friends and we wish him the best of luck and success!"

Soul Sign also consists of Rob Math (Player, Seal) on guitar and Mike Cancino (H.O.B.P.) on drums. Check them out at

Pictured: From left to right: Rob Math - guitar, Bjorn Englen - bass, Mike Cancino - drums, Mark Boals - vocals.
