Soulfallen/Ablaze in Hatred last night...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... woah.

Waiting outside the club before doors opened... I was the first one to show up... next to people to come, quickly established that I didn't know Finnish, and was from the US. "Are you a racist? Why not? I like the Confederate States." *blink blink*

Next guy to show up was wearing a Burzum shirt.

So, uhhh... was Ablaze in Hatred a different kind of band than I thought?

Anyway, not many people there, which is to be expected for an unsigned band and a band whose first album isn't out yet. The last few shows I've gone to have been punk/hardcore shows and I forgot how different the vibe is. The merch tables didn't have boxes and boxes of vinyl from bands not at the show. They turn the lights out for the metal shows and work the smoke machine, haha. I wonder if anybody in the bands decide that sort of thing or if it's a club decision to say "OK, this is a metal show, turn the house lights off and give 'em a smoky lightshow." (I've also been telling the guitar player from Twilight Odyssey to listen to Napalm Death's early Peel Sessions as a production guide for future recordings...) Both bands performed to click tracks. Either that or both drummers were listening to something else in their headphones while they performed. :p

No photos because my wife's digital camera is a POS and the darkness, smoke, and lightshow make for awful photography conditions.

Soulfallen, the word for them seems to be "professional" more than anything else. That they perform keyboard-heavy music with no keyboard player onstage was a bit disheartening, but otherwise they seem "ready." Did an interview afterwards (it should be transcribed "sometime this week") and the said they are "in negotiations" for a deal right now. Not surprised.

Ablaze in Hatred was AMAZING. I'd only received a promo copy of their album a couple days previous so I knew the style but wasn't really familiar with the material. Fucking hell, DOOM, DOOM, DOOM, DOOM, DOOM, DOOM. This didn't go over well with most of the crowd and the place emptied out pretty good after people figured out the pace wasn't going to pick up. Soulfallen was more headbanging-paced melodeath, and Ablaze in Hatred were sslllooowwww and meandering. The bass player had a 6 string (that thing was hhuuugggeeeeee... and yellow!) and I haven't seen many bass players tapping lately.

But the set built and built, and it was a really perfect environment. The sound was EXCELLENT, the floor was essentially empty, the band great. Because I only had a pass-through familiarity with their work prior to the show, I didn't do an interview, but you can be sure the upcoming LotFP will have a glowing review of Deceptive Awareness...
Jim LotFP said:
"Are you a racist?
They asked that? I was talking to a Bolivian couple who were both into metal a couple of months ago that I ran into by chance and we had a good long conversation about metal and then the husband got all serious and somber and half-asked about all the racist metalheads in America. Maybe we have a reputation...
DBB said:
They asked that? I was talking to a Bolivian couple who were both into metal a couple of months ago that I ran into by chance and we had a good long conversation about metal and then the husband got all serious and somber and half-asked about all the racist metalheads in America. Maybe we have a reputation...

No, I didn't write the whole bit that happened. It was THEM. I was shown a wallet with a Confederate flag on it, and I was told about all the "50 Cent my pals" that are in town. They asked why I wasn't a racist because it seemed to make no sense to them for somebody not to be.

They were also armed... (they were both drunk, one to the point of not being able to stand up straight, before doors opened at the club, and in their horseplay one produced brass knucks... and they were 15 and 16 as they told me after finding out I was a 31 year old geezer... heh)

I ran this whole scenario by my gaming group on Sunday and luckily those attitudes weren't universal. heh. I then recounted my experiences with skinheads at metal shows in Atlanta (the 5 or more on 1 brawls, the dicks who would stand in the middle of mosh pits and then swarm anyone that so much as bumped into them) and how I was always glad when the group of crazy Mexicans came to a show because that meant the skinheads never tried that kind of shit.

ahh, fun times.
I told a guy who is going to interview Moonspell and Katatonia to ask Katatonia what the key is to playing doom metal in a live setting without putting people to sleep.

Personally I think the key is to warn people that caffeine, candy, and soda will be a deteriment to the viewing experience. Anything that lowers your patience (i.e. if it gives you energy you are screwed) is going to make you dislike it live. Most people who listen to doom like to be completely relaxed when doing so. Yet they then go to a concert all hyped up and wanting to stand up and shout, and mosh around. I mean what do they expect? That somehow doom is going to become highly energetic? Doom metal should be played in theatre halls, not crappy, hot, smelly venues that force you to stand up. And the bands should not expect people to be all running around and pumping their arms and shouting 'hey hey hey.'

I wonder how many people go to doom shows, and then close their eyes the whole time...