Soulgrind: Into The Dark Vales Of Death NEW CD!!


Sep 19, 2002
Hail To all metal maniacs!!!

Soulgrind has just released new album titled Into The Dark Vales Of Death through
French Holy Records!! 10 songs of pure northern melodic and dark pagan metal.
Album features Roope Latvala from Sinergy on lead guitar and ex - Lullacry Tanya (
W. Lilith ) on female vocals. Full line-up is as follows:

Lord Heikkinen: guitars, bass
Agathon Frosteus ( also in Gloomy Grim ): drums, vox
Azhemin ( also in Thy Serpent ): keys, vox
W. Lilith: Vox

...sounds interesting, IT IS!!

Go check out the samples from the website:

...and make YOUR opinion!!

In METAL, Lord
Moi Lord,
I met Tanya on tour with Lullacry at Milano in Italy.She is really nice.Please say Ciao to her.....
I'm sure your band is great,I'll download your song as soon as I can....

Metal rules!Finland rules!.....

Metal regards The Hammer:headbang:
@Sir Heikkinen, I see your band features Azhemin. Some years ago I heard a song by a solo project of his called I Flow In Depths on some compilation tape.

I wrote to Azhemin asking about it cause I really liked the spooky atmosphere of the song ("My Dreams Carried Me"). But he never got back to me, now later on I learned from another Finnish penpal that Azhemin isn't a very communicative guy and that was probably the reason I never heard anything.

Anyway, do you happen to know if he ever did more stuff with I Flow In Depths or was it just a one-of affair?