Souls on the ruin of 5000

hehehe ok. i think this is what he means -

its from Monty python ..
aw, I didnt know, thanks lady
The spam song, whee..
But even more intriguing:

$ wget [url][/url] 
--12:36:25--  [url][/url]
           => `/home/towo/downloads/spam-song.wav'
Resolving [url][/url]... done.
Connecting to [url][/url][]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Object moved
Location: [url]http://www.goawaystupidbot.invalid[/url] [following]
--12:36:26--  [url]http://www.goawaystupidbot.invalid/[/url]
           => `/home/towo/downloads/index.html'
Resolving [url]www.goawaystupidbot.invalid[/url]... failed: Host not found.