SOULSPELL - A Metal Opera


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
I recently fell in love with a project you guys might dig: SOULSPELL - Labyrinth Of Truths - Heleno Vale's Metal Opera. They are on Inner Wound Recordings (brother label to Ulterium Records).

I recently got Act II as a blind purchase from Nightmare Records (I haven't heard the first one).

I've listened to it constantly for the last six weeks. All of the vocal performances are extremely strong, especially Mario Pastore, the main character. Interestingly, even if you removed all the vocals (and vocals are my favorite "instrument"), I think this would still be awesome. The music is that strong and compelling. I can honestly say I love every song on here (especially The Verve; I listen to that song 3-5 times every time I spin the disc).

I should add, I still have yet to read the lyrics, so I can't say how compelling the story is. But the vocalists and songs themselves are killer!

Now I guess it's time for me to order the first album...

A couple songs for you to check out -

Into The Arc of Time (for Savatage fans, this one has Zak Stevens and Jon Oliva):

The Verve:

Carlos Zema's vocals on this song make me pee my pants :kickass: Also, check out the riff from 2:22-2:54: I swear that's from Dream Theater SFAM, but I can't find it on that album. But every time I hear it, my brain thinks something bad is about to happen to Victoria!
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Wow, on the first one, Oliva's presence is EXTREMELY noticeable - vocally and on the keys.

The Verve is pretty interesting - definitely warranting a listen.

From the few songs I've heard thus far, I'd give it a 6 or 7 on a scale of 1 - Mindcrime :p
Thanks for the links. Oddly enough, just yesterday I was looking at this album at and considering purchasing it in my next batch of CDs. I think I will have to do so. Cool Christian metal connection: I saw on their homepage that the vocalist of Brazilian Christian metal band Eterna appears on one of the albums.
Here's the one video that I've come across - Adrift. I can see why they made a video for it. It probably has the broadest appeal of all the songs.

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Amazing stuff... Can you tell me which track(s) have German Pascual (Ex-Narnia).
Can you tell me which track(s) have German Pascual (Ex-Narnia).

Mostly A Secret Compartment (3:20-5:02)...

[BTW, I think I am in love with Manuela Saggioro - "You must not read me with the eyes, God gave you"].

...and a very small part in The Labyrinth Of Truths.
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You have the real CD?

What are the names on that last track you posted?
A Secret Compartment
I could swear I heard Edu Falaschi, but his brother Tito is noted on participating, maybe it's him, I don't know.
Yes, I bought the CD - possibly the best purchase I made last year.

Correct, you are hearing Edu Falaschi from Angra on A Secret Compartment (first time at 1:30-1:40 and many other places)!

Here's high praise: Glenn Harvester - the man behind ProgPower USA and a legend in the power metal scene in the US - calls this album: "the most underrated disc of 2010". Need I say more?
Oops, you asked for the names on A Secret Compartment:

Tito Falaschi
Jefferson Albert (the one with the Andi Deras-era Helloween-type vocals)
Edu Falaschi (Angra)
Manuela Saggioro
German Pascual (ex-Narnia)
I continue to be both thankful and annoyed by all the music recommendations on these forums.

Thankful because I've discovered so many awesome bands and annoyed by how expensive a potential visit to is.

I bought Labyrinth of Truths and it is incredible. Just when I think I know where a song is going it changes directions unexpectedly, especially with the vocals and melodies.
This band is pretty amazing! I think it's safe to say that Soulspell is one of my favorites right now. If you like this band, I recommend checking out Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's Neverland. The time changes this band makes are so insane. Another favorite band atm.
Inner Wound Recordings (sister label to Ulterium) posted this today:

"Inner Wound Recordings are proud to announce the reissue of the Soulspell debut album "A Legacy of Honor". The album was only released in Japan and South America in 2008, but will be made available in Europe and North America in CD format on August 5th. Pre-order below!"

I will be buying this. After reading this, I popped in the Labyrinth of Truths CD, since it had been a few months since I listened to it. It's still brilliant!!! :headbang: