South american tour rescheduled...

:p ignorance bothers me. Everyone seems to think that latin america, latin, hispanics, south america etc all mean the same shit, it gets boring after a while.
well south america is to the south, and north america is to the north. :guh: However, indeed it's just a name, thus it doesn't make much practical difference, but then again nothing really does...
Nah, it's just imperialistic. 'North' is the 'rich' and 'beautiful' part, and all the rest is the pitiful 'south'. However, this be no place for political debates.
Mikael will most likely not give an explanation until Gigantour is announced in order to avoid giving anything away about Opth being on Gigatour or not, although it seems like the only logical explanation...
westknife said:
yeah seriously, that sig needs to go
there's a command to 'disable signatures'. But it's an animation, so stop whining.
LichofHell said:
Mikael will most likely not give an explanation until Gigantour is announced in order to avoid giving anything away about Opth being on Gigatour or not, although it seems like the only logical explanation...
Makes sense. Though the rescheduling happened roughly when lopez left...
House of Seance said:
throw him on ignore, worked like a charm for me
listen to this man
and stop bugging me.
Ten SiSi said:
hey leave him alone, thats how they salute each other down there.
metal_wrath said:
your sig is as gay as the blight called carnivale

I would never go to carnivale, unless krisiun were playing, haha

two good things to come out of brazil:

2.air (if the Amazon rainforest has any trees left):)
Wrong. My sig is awesome, carnival isn't.

Me neither. Except that krisiun is shite.

-krisiun sucks(again)
-amazon doesn't have anything to do with clean air. It's a mature forest. Forests only clean air while they are in growth.

So shut up cause you're too ignorant to make your point, even with my help :lol:
Come on guys, this thread is for the people who live in SA, if you don´t are from here or if you don´t give a fuck about us, please just shut up and leave us with this thread alone, til maybe someone from Opeth give an answer to us...that´s so dificult to understand?

We´re just waiting for an answer, for heaven´s sake...:rolleyes:



And nothing else matters, cheers. :kickass: