

Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys ...
another tonetest. I quickly recorded an idea we came up in our rehearsal-space. We wanted to go for a Speedmetal-version of some Southern Rock-ideas. Mixed with some thrashy riffs.

I recorded it very quickly and the bass sounds extremely loose and sloppy at times :D There is also some strange stuff going on in the timing of the "breakdown".

Drums are Addictive Drums, Guitars are Revalver.

What do you think?

Please listen to me
Sounds bad ass... Im not much on the snare a bit "hollow" sounding for me, however all things considered, it fits in well. The bass has an awesome growl to it. Good job!
I didn't really hear anything 'southern' about it but I liked the track a lot. That timing issue you mentioned was pretty distinct. I hate when that happens.

Hmm... maybe it's just our imagination ;)
Now that I listen to it a few days later I have to agree. Well, at least it has a bit of a southern-vibe ;)

Sounds bad ass... Im not much on the snare a bit "hollow" sounding for me, however all things considered, it fits in well. The bass has an awesome growl to it. Good job!

Thank you. It's an extremely cheap Hohner-bass I got off of ebay for 60€ into Ampeg SVX and Vintage Warmer.
I'm a Texan and there ain't nuttin southern 'bout it!

But homeboy is from Germany, the whole United States is South to him!