SoWeGa Metalfest Cancelled


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005
First off, here's the story. Lane Rosen is the owner of the State Theater. I called him earlier this week to pay him more than half of what he asked to rent the ST for Metalfest (a whopping $2200 in total). That's when he informed me that he had gone ahead and rented the venue out to someone else for the evening.

I'm pretty pissed off about it but there's simply nothing I can do. I've spent all week searching for an alternate venue and it seems as if one doesn't exist here anymore. I will not do this sort of show outside because I will not chance the rain.

I thank you all for your time and enthusiasm. I will be booking another show soon, so all hope is not lost. The music scene in Albany IS coming back.

All money to sponsors, donars, and ticket purchasers will be soon refunded.

Keep a look out for next year!

In the meantime, visit <a href="">Dead Relics</a> to keep up with shows in Albany.

Thanks for your time and please repost.

- Michael
Ahh damn. That sucks, bro. Shitty about the venue doing that, also shitty because I was going to try and come and see Aghora play (as I find them to kick copious amounts of ass). Oh well...keep us updated on whatever you might have coming up next.
That sucks, you do have a signed contract don't you??? IF so then you may have some recourse, if not then Damn, frigging venue owners. WE had the chance to work with one of the finest and most reputible ones at MADFEST. He treated us like royality.