Space between strings and pickups

I use EMGs and keep my strings fairly close, but never too close as it tends to make the 'pick attack' sound awkward. I don't have my guitar around right now so that I may calculate the distance. As you might be knowing, it's necessary to keep your strings close to the pups if they're active. All in all, don't give a fuck and just play.
I've got a Dimebucker in the bridge and a Jazz in the neck. The Dimebucker is as close as I can get it before I start hitting it with the plectrum, slightly higher on the treble side - personally I think it sounds better that way. It gets more articulate the closer it is. The Jazz is about 3mm above the surround - it's miles from the strings, but it's still as loud as the Dimebucker. It keeps it really smooth for leads, and means it's perfectly clean when you back the gain off.

My bridge pickup (EMG 85) is about 3mm away from the strings. My neck pickup (EMG 81) is about 5 or 6mm away from the strings.