space rock/w a touch of psychadellia


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
does anyone dig HUM or Failure....these guys are super awesome, but unfortunatley broke up. I saw HUM a little while ago though, twas a reunion show.
I think Akerfeldt would really enjoy these bands, wonder if he's heard of them

Failure members are now in Year of the Rabbit and Autolux

HUM members are in Centaur and Glifted all of which are badass, well I haven't heard Glifted yet, but the other 3 rock

instead of just assuming these bands are gay, why don't you see for yourself check out these albums


HUM - You'd Prefer an Astronaut
i guess maybe i should make a fanboy thread, then I'd get responses

what's your fav opeth song/ablum/moment on orchid,morningrise, mayh,sl,bwp,d1,d2,gr.....your all a bunch of fuckin fags, expand your musical horizons....there's other great bands out there that are grealty unappreciated
I Haven´t heard ot them but if Åkerfeldt could be interested I´m all ears ;). No seriously maybe you could tell me more about the music or link to some mp3s?
hum fuckin rules. here are some good songs to check out "if you are to bloom" "the pod" "id like your hair long" "comin home" "green to me" -- really any song off of their past two albums are great.
Heliotropic_Rose said:
i guess maybe i should make a fanboy thread, then I'd get responses

what's your fav opeth song/ablum/moment on orchid,morningrise, mayh,sl,bwp,d1,d2,gr.....your all a bunch of fuckin fags, expand your musical horizons....there's other great bands out there that are grealty unappreciated

You have to remember, this IS an Opeth forum. Most people come here to talk about Opeth. So stop calling us all fags just because we love a band and like to talk about them alot.

But yeah, o_O psychedelico_O music is awesome. :headbang:
it's not that I'm calling them fags for being fanboys, fuck I'm a huge Opeth fanboy; they're my favorite band, but I'm tired of seeing the same fucking threads over and over, they pollute this board....i'm hear to hear news/expand my horizon/find out new stuff I didnt know....the only threads that get attention are the generic fanboy "what's your favorite this thread...." i mean come on the conversations have been recycled 1000 times over
Heliotropic_Rose said:
it's not that I'm calling them fags for being fanboys, fuck I'm a huge Opeth fanboy; they're my favorite band, but I'm tired of seeing the same fucking threads over and over, they pollute this board....i'm hear to hear news/expand my horizon/find out new stuff I didnt know....the only threads that get attention are the generic fanboy "what's your favorite this thread...." i mean come on the conversations have been recycled 1000 times over

Yeah...but if you look at the stickied threads (i.e the faq and the new info thread) it says that this is an Opeth forum. It also says that it is reserved for discussion about Opeth and only Opeth. I personally think they should make sub-forums like there are on here for Children of Bodom. One for talk about Opeth and one where fans of Opeth can discuss other things. I like talking about random shit with people who like the same bands as me but unfortunately this is not the forum to do it in and that is probably why only a few people responded to this thread...
Lost_Orchid said:
Yeah...but if you look at the stickied threads (i.e the faq and the new info thread) it says that this is an Opeth forum. It also says that it is reserved for discussion about Opeth and only Opeth. I personally think they should make sub-forums like there are on here for Children of Bodom. One for talk about Opeth and one where fans of Opeth can discuss other things. I like talking about random shit with people who like the same bands as me but unfortunately this is not the forum to do it in and that is probably why only a few people responded to this thread...

YES! Excellent idea. I have thought that this is one of the MAJOR problems w/ this board! I know that a lot of the folks who have been here for a while get annoyed by newbie threads and such. If there was a home for newbies here, in a sub-forum, it might help. Also, the sub-forums would help people from getting annoyed by questions about why closure or spd end abrubtly:erk: , for example. There'd be a forum for opeth song talk, band talk, concert reviews and discussion, and non-opeth bands, etc.

And, dude, I've already told you I dig HUM... broaden my musical horizons... not sure really how they could be any broader than they are! I enjoy ALL genres of music. I have a very open mind. :Spin:
There used to be an off-topic subforum but it was (unwisely) taken away by the management. Which probably was the start of the first of many cycles of this forum going horribly downhill.

Also it's rather funny you waited a whole one hour before deciding that everyone on this forum are apparently "fuckin fags" and fanboys. Maybe your topic just isn't really that interesting? You didn't even say much about what these bands sound like, just that you think they are awesome and that you apparently assume everyone else probably thinks they are "gay". Excuse me if that doesn't make me run to my nearest filesharing hub to download them so I can defend my musical openmindedness.
There used to be an off-topic subforum but it was (unwisely) taken away by the management. Which probably was the start of the first of many cycles of this forum going horribly downhill.

Was it Ultimate Metal management or Opeth management who took it away? Either way it seems to be fairly idiotic as most people enjoy talking to others with similar interests (i.e bands) and there is really only so much you can say about Opeth before threads begin to repeat. I have only been on here for two months and have seen multiple repeat threads. It can clearly cause a problem at times as there are a lack of fresh things to talk about. All of what I just said is a bit redundant but it basically comes down to this: Please bring the off-topic sub-forum for Opeth back!!!
yeah i agree about the off topic thread removal being a terrible move.. you need more options on a bands message board these days to keep peoples interest and attention, i mean it would ultimately create more traffic on this site, so that is good for band, regardless if the discussion is off topic or not.

in other news i played some hum on my radio show today, and i liked it. oh yes.
Lost_Orchid said:
Was it Ultimate Metal management or Opeth management who took it away?

Opeth management. I don't really remember what the reason was, but whatever it was, it wasn't a good one.