Space Shuttle Columbia


Hail Satan!
Space Shuttle Columbia broke up upon reentry today. it crash landed in Dallas Texas. It's unknown if anyone survived as of when I'm writing this but I don't think it's possible.
It's a very big deal out here. I live in the clear lake area, and Nasa is out here, in fact my Fiance's dad is an Aerospace ingeneer
as well.
Yeah, that sucks. I get the NASA channel here. This is the second time I've ever watched it.
I've been watching CNN too. They keep showing footage of it blowing up.
I can't believe it's been 17 years since the Challenger blew up!
I keep getting older and older.
I must have just went to sleep when it happened. I was wondering why the shuttle was being mentioned and I looked into this post. damn, did anyone see it this morning? their landings have been so routine that they usually don't air them anymore. did they cut into it on tv, does that nasa channel air them all?
7 seems to be an unlucky number as far as space is concerned.

time to get the think tank on,could be a reminder,dont go where u shouldnt be able to go,so many planes go down these days if they havent perfected that there aint too much hope for the people trying to go iton space.
Man, twice in my lifetime is 2 times too many!! This really sux crackers. My thoughts & prayers are with the family members!

I think it is time for NASA to faze out the space shuttle. After all we are talking about a machine that was first conceived in the 1970's, and still relies on a lot of technology from that era. I believe our future resides in space exploration, but we need to fix this problem, and develop a new space launch vehicle.

NASA is also in need of direction (and better funding). After all there is only so much you can do farting around in Low Earth Orbit. Let's get on it! Everyone knows the Earth is getting way overpopulated, and we are depleting our resources at an ever increasing pace. Let's start harvesting resources from outside our planet. And, although this is farfetched, it is not impossible. Think about it, many asteroids are composed of nickel & iron. The technology should be there to mine them. What about colonies on the moon & Mars. The technological hurdles are there, but they can be overcome!

I know this is a longterm and expensive, goal, but it will be done. I know many will cry poverty, but, just think if during the golden age of European discovery (Columbus, Da Gama, etc.) the Kings & Queens said, "Thats' a good idea, but we don't have the money!"

Sad days, my friends.:(
P.S. And anyone who thinks this is Gods will, or "Gods vengeance" (as some Iraqi's have said), are so dumb, that they don't deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us!!
My hearts go to the families, but I couldn't agree more that the space shuttle program needs to end and a next generation horizontal takeoff space plane built (rumors are there already is such a thing). More unmanned probes, rockets and more money and better management at NASA. Call me Captain Obvious. Manned missions should be kept to a minimum until technology allows for saver transportation.

Wouldn't it be sweet if they call the new Space Plane the Millennium Falcon?
well i'm in dallas... i don't feel like giving this speech again, so check it out in the nevermore forum, it's entitled, "the space's grim down here, folks."
Originally posted by estigma2001
sad so sad for the people who died, bu for me its a signal from destiny to no make war agaisnt anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!, peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Sounds good! Now just go and tell that to the terrorrists, "Don't make war against anybody."
I'm sure everyone in the middle east would be cool with that.