Spacey experimental deathcore

heard this on facebook, sounding pretty good John. not quite TC-esque, but i think that bass tone helps give it more of that vibe they have going on. cant get into the OHs though, not necessarily because they sound bad, but i just hear them in so many mixes haha. maybe try compressing them to shit and back if you cant change them, i've been doing that recently and it's been making my OHs sound more balanced and heavier. you're on a good path though, i'll be checking in with more Xehanort.
Well, I wasn't aiming for a TC mix, just kinda the guitars. I feel like I got pretty close in the first mix, to TC's guitars, but it just doesn't fit, to me haha

I'll play around with the OHs
I'm still not 100% on the guitars either. I'm having Lucas from RoS reamp them with his Axe FX and see if I can't work with that. If I'm STILL not satisfied, I might hire Jamie King to run them through his 5150 or something.
The first riff the guitars a bit pushed back because of those synths. Try bringing those does and the guitars need a bit of presence to em. Try adding presence and maybe a bit of Sonic Maximizer! Sounds dope dude!! I think the synths would sound a little better if they weren't so quantized also. Just my opinion though!
The first riff the guitars a bit pushed back because of those synths. Try bringing those does and the guitars need a bit of presence to em. Try adding presence and maybe a bit of Sonic Maximizer! Sounds dope dude!! I think the synths would sound a little better if they weren't so quantized also. Just my opinion though!

Thanks :D
I fixed that first part before posting by bringing the choral synth down.
I'm using POD Farm for guitars and I end up making darker tones most of the time because the brighter POD tones seem really digital and bleh.
And I shall take more time to humanize the synths in the future.

Here is the final version, uploaded to YT, if anybody cares.
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