SPAM: WTT My 5150 Combo For 5150 Head


Mar 16, 2004
I have a 5150 combo that is just too fucking heavy for me to lug around and I'm willing to trade it for a 5150 head plus a little bit of cash or goodies. Must live in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area.

It has a new set of JJ preamp tubes if I remember correctly and has been sitting in the studio unused for the last year or so. I recorded with it and it sounds amazing, especially when combines with a Rectifier. Some say the combo sounds better than the head because it comes from the factory biased properly.

Here's a photo link:
Hahahaha, another one submits to the punishment of the weight of that thing! However, for any potential traders, I just bought 4 of these and 4 of these for my Mesa 2x12 (and saved at least $30 from what I would've paid buying direct from Mesa), and I think they'd do wonders for the 5150 combo as well!
man, i've been GAS'ing for one of those for a while now...

why couldn't this thread say "5150 combo for ampeg vl-1002"?
Honestly, I want the head because I only use it running into a 4x12 and it's a backup/studio amp. For playing live I like combining my Rectifier with a Boogie .50 Cal and the Engl cab that Marcus was nice enough to sell me.

It really does record well and the guy that records us told me he'd punch me in the face if I sold it but I love rackmounted goodies with casters. I'm too old to lug that shit around anymore! The place that we record has a 25 step staircase that is so fucking steep it would never pass code these days. It's bad enough dragging all the rest of our gear up there, the combo is just masochistic.

Sorry about not wanting the Ampeg but I'm open to other amp trades. At this point I have the amps that I love and am just having fun at this point.