speaking of earplugs, what's the loudest and quietest band you've heard?

Seeing KISS on the Hot in the Shade tour - I remember they opened with "I Stole Your Love" and it was so damn loud, I had no clue what tune it was until the solo.

Also, Judas Priest on the Painkiller tour - the bass bouncing off the concrete in the arena actually shot up your spine. Holy hell.

Agree on all the Yngwie comments. His shows are so distorted and loud, its laughable....
I wish! Haha. There's a group of acoustic rock bands that call themselves "Wizard Rock" and sing about the Harry Potter books (of which I am a gigantic fan). Draco and the Malfoys, apart from being local (along with quite a few Wrock bands, actually), were one of the first.

That's weird.
But it sounds fun, mind you. :)

They do have a song called "Tom Felton's Kinda Hot", though.


Tom was a guest at Dragon*Con last year and his fan-club people contacted me about getting a merch table in our performers' area.
"Sure, if he's performing somewhere," I replied. (He's not bad; a singer-songwriter type.)
He hadn't been booked for a performance but for a while his fan-club president was trying to get him to do an acoustic gig on the stage I schedule...probably for the best it didn't work out, since I'm not sure we'd have had enough security. :heh:

Err, anyway, best-sounding shows.....
TSO, pretty much every show, comes to mind.
Riverside at PP.
Porcupine Tree at the Masquerade (!)
Dead Can Dance at Radio City Music Hall.
Loudest I remember was System Of A Down at Nissan Pavilion in 2006 for the Ozzfest. It was even loud in the bathrooms......

Yeah I saw them in the 8th grade and I walked out of the section and started walking to the left and my friend was screaming at me because they were walking to the right to go to the car and I didn't hear them.

Also, ISIS.

loudest: Zoroaster, every time

Almost forgot them...saw half their set at Scion and I could feel my chest vibrating...haha. That was loud but awesome.
Loudest: Ace Frehley at Centerstage a couple years ago, with Airbourne at the Tabernacl coming at a close 2nd.

Quietest: Probably Porcupine Tree at the Tabernacle. Also the best sounding live show I've ever been to. It was like watching a dvd in person.
When we opened for King's X, I was amazed, shocked, appauled, jealous and inspired when dUg lit up his rig. I swear, his bass was NOT run through the PA system. And it was STILL more bass than I've ever felt at ANY show I've ever been to. Freakishly awesome. Nothing but his three Ampeg fridges on stage, running full bore, CRUSHING us. My drummer and keyboardist just couldn't absorb it more. "When's YOUR rig gonna sound that awesome?" "When you bastards haul those cabinets for me!" "Well, we'll be happy with you then, heh." GRRRRR.....
Loudest: Motorhead. Especially cause last time I was right in front of Lemmy's amp.

Question for you all: Why do sound guys feel the need to completely blast PA music in between bands? A lot of places do that so much that I can't hear the person next to me unless they're yelling to my ear. This is fine when bands are playing but when they're not it's ridiculous. There's a hole in the wall place in Chicagoland called Ye Old Town Inn that has done this every single time I've been there, so much so that I refuse to got there again. Luckily they never have big shows.
Loudest: Motorhead. Especially cause last time I was right in front of Lemmy's amp.

Question for you all: Why do sound guys feel the need to completely blast PA music in between bands? A lot of places do that so much that I can't hear the person next to me unless they're yelling to my ear. This is fine when bands are playing but when they're not it's ridiculous. There's a hole in the wall place in Chicagoland called Ye Old Town Inn that has done this every single time I've been there, so much so that I refuse to got there again. Luckily they never have big shows.

Hmm...I have never actually had a problem with that. Must just be the places I've gone to. I mean they play house music, but it's at a reasonable level. My only issue was quite the opposite when the Pearl Room was around. I could hear there was music on the PA, but their PA at least for the music between bands was so inaudible I had a hard time figuring out who was playing.