Speaking of venues, how about an outdoor event?

So, how about it?

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I'd have to say I was perfectly pleased with the way it was last year, and I wouldn't change a thing.

Considering this will be probably the last year before this thing blows up and becomes huge, I'll cherish it @ Earthlink Live one more time.
While I agree that last year's event was phenomenal, I think the idea of an outdoor event would be kinda cool..if held in the right city during the right time of year. Something to think about...
I'm down with an outdoor event, so long as the weather's right. If we're talking about having this thing in September, that might be nice...though I don't know how Septembers are in Atlanta, it might be awful.
Noway!! I got to enough outdoor events as it is. The sound is heavly compromised outdoors and the Earthlink has one of the best sound systems I ever heard from any theater.

Bear said:
Noway!! I got to enough outdoor events as it is. The sound is heavly compromised outdoors and the Earthlink has one of the best sound systems I ever heard from any theater.


I'm with you there. Earthlink Live had a great sound last year. I wouldn't mind an outdoor event--but it pretty much has to be somewhere in the South of the US if we're going to do it in the fall/early winter.
YtseJammer said:
September's in Atlanta have got to be hot and humid..Keep it indoors!

September here isn't nearly as bad as August, but it does take a few months for things to cool down. Some of y'all will remember that PP2 saw 70 degree weather in mid-November. Last year was cooler than normal, believe it or not.

But, hey, it's not the heat, it's the humidity! :)

I'd definately rather it stay inside! It rained for quite a bit of PP3, I'd hate to have it outdoors at that time of year, even if it's a covered venue it will be freezing at 1:00am! I loved the Earthlink Live, great venue! A little cramped, but there isn't another crowd I'd rather be cramped with! :headbang:
